Getting down to business Pt.2

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Beyoncé P.O.V (Not edited)

(Same day)

I walked into the waiting room to see a stress out tired sad Aubrey and I felt bad for him, I walked over to him and hugged him rubbing his back.

"It's going to be okay, now I need you to breath." I said and I rubbed his back calming him down and I pulled away from the hug

"Alright I'm good" He said sniffling

"Okay have they said anything about Kim yet?" I asked and he shook his head no

"They just been ignoring me and that bitch ass nurse been annoying as hell, not telling me nothing" He said pointing at some ratchet ass nurse popping her gum with her purple hair and her fucked up ass makeup

"Hmm is that so, I'll go take care of her and you go freshen up. Get yourself together" I said and he nodded getting up and he walked off and I got up and walked up to the counter

"Umm...excuse me" I said interrupting the nurse on the phone and she rolled her eyes pissed off, for what reason I don't know

"Yes can I help you" She said popping her gum

"Yes, I need to see Kimberly Michelle Pate" I said and she typed up something on her computer

"I can't help you, you need to sit and wait" She said being very rude

"Look Miss I just need..." She cut me off

"Bitch look I do not have time, can you sit down and shut up" She said and my face read got me fucked up and my face just froze (*plays Beyoncé Flawless remix*)

"BITCH do you know how I am. No matter fact let me help you. Bitch I am Beyoncé Knowles aka Queen bey therefore bitch I will and can ruin yo damn life, yo broke ass need to take yo ratchet ass to the hairstylist and get yo shit re done and stop forcing yo edges." I looked her up and down

"Get yo makeup together or don't wear that shit at all, matter fact you need it with yo crusty ass. Now bitch you got one more fucking time, Ima ask yo ugly ass one more time and if I don't get what I want, oh I will have yo ratchet ass fired" I said and I had to breath and get myself together

"Now excuse me miss, what is the latest news on Mrs. Pate. Full name Kimberly Michelle Pate" I said and she looked shocked and surprised and she hurried up and typed up her name

"Umm...Mrs. Pate she's out of surgery and she's in room 305" She said and I snatched her wig off her damn head

"Now bitch, you know not to try me" I said and threw her wig at her as she gasped ready to cry because she just got embarrassed


Me and Aubrey walked in Kim's room to see her on a breathing machine and Aubrey was so sweet he brought her roses. She looked so drained yet she looked peaceful, and at the sight of her Aubrey broke down crying. I had to help him up, dang I mean it's sad but Aubrey needs to get his self together.

"Aubrey look I need you to get yourself together" I said and he looked at me with sad eyes

"But, bey she's she..." He kept tripping over his words and I slapped the shit out of him

"AUBREY GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, NOW LOOK I HAVE TO GO TAKE CARE OF SOME BUSSINESS. Sit with Kim watch her, until I come back." I said and he nodded sniffing and I sighed walking out


I walked back into the apartment to see Rihanna and Karrchue tied up, with Alex and Honey on the couch eating popcorn and drinking wine, tf.

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