Loyalty is lies

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K. Michelle P.O.V 

"Mrs. Pate we have landed" My flight attended said to me waking me up and I yawned stretching

"Thank you" I said and she nodded walking away we were finally in England it was dark but lit up by the beautiful city

"Mrs. Pate how may I be of service to you. I've already load all of you and your guest luggage into the limo." Ricco my security guard asked

"Well please take my daughter and my niece into the car but please cover their face, I want no pictures." I said covering them both with blankets as he picked both of them up and I stood grabbing my purse

"Bey and Honey wake y'all pregnant asses up, we in england" I yelled and they both groaned waking up

"Girl shut the hell up, it's too late for all this shit" Bey said waking up and honey stood getting over the jet and the camera's flashed as she got in the limo

"Alright makeup check how I look?" Bey asked and I looked at her face

"You got a little bit of sleep in your eye but other than that you good. Me?" I asked and she whipped it out her eye and then checked me

"Flawless now let's go" She said and we stepped down the stair smiling and waving at the camera's and fans signing some autographs and we got in the limo pulling off to the hotel

"Mommy" Ava said crawling into my lap and I held her

"Where are we?" She asked yawning lying on my chest

"In england, tomorrow we're going to see Idris and tour around the rest of england. See big ben and go on the fester wheel" I said and she smiled sleepy


Next day


"Ava sit up" I said and she huffed sitting up and I looked at her like she was crazy

"Fix your attitude little girl" I said and she remained quiet and I looked over at Honey to see she wasn't eating

"Sochitta please eat for you and that little baby. Remember that one day your baby will be thanking you, now eat" I said and she sighed eating god I felt like everyone's damn mama

"Bey don't you dare try and sneak some of my wine" I said and she smacked her lips pouting putting her arms over her chest

"Bey what the hell, you suppose to be the mature one. The damn mother of the group" I said

"Girl I just want a little sip, I ain't had wine in 7 months" She said

"And you got three and a half months till you pop that baby and have you a good glass of wine." I said and she sighed

"Can we go get some ice cream?" Bey said being childish

"Yeah can we?" Gabby and Ava said

"Yup all of y'all can go while I surprise Idris" I said smiling

"To get the nasty on, freaks" Bey said and I rolled my eyes

"Don't act like you and Chris don't be doing it, shit ain't that how y'all den got that little baby" I said and she flicked me off

"Oooh mommy..." Bey cut gabby off

"Mommy didn't mean it, don't do that either" She said and I laughed at her

"Alright y'all take the limo and I'll take a taxi, and meet y'all later" I said


"Excuse me" I said at the front counter of the hotel

"Yes ma'am how many I help you?" One of the staff asked

"What room is Mr. Elba staying in?" I asked and he typed something into the computer and his face turned

"Um...Miss Mr. Elba is on the top floor room A12 but he has requested a don't disturb" He said and I laughed

"I'm his fiance, it's fine. Just give me a card, he's probably sleeping" I said and he handed me a card and I smiled

"Thank you" I said heading to the elevator and I pressed the button to the top floor and I waited playing with my nails and once the doors opened I walked out going down the hall finding my way to A12

I heard noises but I shook my head in denial, I opened and peeped through the door and shook my head. I was caught when Idris looked back in shock and he tried to run after me and I ran to the elevator.

"Kim wait baby" He yelled coming towards the elevator and the doors closed

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