Everything happens for a reason Pt.2

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K. Michelle P.O.V


"I'm here for you" He said

"I don't want you here, and I don't need you" I said

"Look baby I'm sorry. I messed up but she was just a hook up and it won't happen again, baby I love you." He said and I shook my head

"I already know, I'm not about to become another one of your wives. I'm not that type of women who let's men run over and use her" I said

"Oh but you will, I saw it in the bathroom" He said and I stood there in shock



"What did you see?" I asked shaken up

"Oh baby girl you know what I seen. And now I'm not going anywhere" He said

"It's going to die, I drank to death last night." I said and he got up walking closer to me

"No it won't, we'll go to the hospital and get you and the baby help" He said and I shook my head

"I want it dead" I said and he grabbed me forcing me out the house



"Mrs. Pate you and your baby will be fine, pumped all of achol out your system but I say that you remain on bed rest until your better" The doctor said and I nodded and as soon as she lefted

"Take me home Idris" I said and he smiled and I rolled my eyes

"Yes my queen" He said and he helped me off the table and he helped me out the hospital into his car and we drove back to the house in silent except for Idris to keep making conversations with me

Once we finally pulled up at the house, I got out the car before Idris even tried to get out and help me. I walked to the door and Idris was right behind me but, I pulled out my gun out of my purse and put it to him.

"Idris, I want you out of my life. I am not your girlfriend, your queen, your fiance, your love. You are nothing to me, this baby is mine. Yes I'm being selfish, just like you were selfish using me. If you come back into my life again I will kill this baby, because this baby doesn't deserve being around a man who isn't loyal to me, and probably not even to his own child. You don't love me, you don't even know what the fuck love is." I said

"I love you Kim" He said beginning to cry falling on his knees and I threw my ring at him

"I'll send you pictures, bye" I said as I slammed the door into his face

I cannot raise a man, I mean damn I've said it on my last Album the fuck I look like trying to raise his ass. I only raise my children, I walked upstairs to my room.

I put my stuff down and stood in front of my mirror and I lifted my shirt up and rubbed my little belly bump. I started to cry.

"Lord what did I get myself into, I'm carrying a man's baby who is a horrible person. I'm alone, I need a runaway." I said to myself wiping away my tears

Aubrey P.O.V

"The test results are back Mr. Graham" The nurse said and I stood

"And what did it say?" I asked

"The baby is not yours, I'm sorry" She said and I sighed

"Thank you" I said

"No problem" She said walking away

What am I going to do, I knew I should have listened to Kim. Now I'm lefted with a baby that isn't even mine.

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