The Zone

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Honey Cocaine P.O.V

5 days later...

I streatched and yawned standing up and grabbing my bags off the plane, and I got off the jet followed behind Tyga. I saw my car here with my driver waiting for me and I smiled and gave him a finger telling him to give me a mintute.

"So this is it?" He asked as I faced him

"I guess so" I said adjusting my bag on my shoulder

"Why don't you give me a chance Honey" He said and I rolled my eyes looking away from him and I looked back at him

"I don't play games with little boys" I said and sucked his teeth

"I am not no little boy, I'm a grown ass man. I know I played some games but, I'm changed" He said and I laughed

"Ain't that what every nigga say to the girls who get's their hearts played. That changed shit, ain't nothing but you lying to yourself" I said looking at him

"Girl don't act like you don't want this" He said

"What I need from you? Nothing, I have my own money. Own trap house, diamonds, gold, clothes, jewels." I said and I pulled out at stack of money and threw it in his face

"The fuck I look like. Go get you some red Lobster" I said and I walked away from him

Beyonce P.O.V

"Come on Bey." Will said and I put my hand in his face

"Come on Bey nothing, you are not about to have my daughter around some lil thot. Now where is she at Will" I said and he stood in front of the door

"Bey Chill" He said and I slapped the fuck out of him

"Ima give you five seconds to tell me where she at, and if you don't I promise you she will be dead by the end of this week" I said and he sucked his teeth

"You gone kill her anway" He said

"No Ima whop her ass first. 5.......4.........3.......2..." He cut me off

"She at work" He said and I rolled my eyes flipping my hair

"I'll be back tommorow, for her ass" I said and I got in my car pulling off and I looked back at Gabby asleep

I got a call and I answered my phone to Chris.

"Hello" I answered

"Hey bey what's good" He said

"Nothing much, what about you" I said stopping at the light

"Getting ready for this little bussiness dinner party tonight, and I was wondering would you come and be my date" He said and I smiled hard blushing and I bit my bottom lip looking back at Gabby

"I don't know, I have Gabby with me" I said

"It's kool, I have Royalty with me. My moms watching her while, I'm at the party. She could watch Gaberilla for you while your with me" He said

"You think she'll watch Gabby? I mean she's easy but I don't wanna force her to watch..." He cut me off laughing

"Bey my mother loves kids, she's cool. I'll ask her right now, hold up" He put me on hold and after a few seconds he came back to the phone

"She said it's no problem. I gave my mom your address and she said she'll pick up Gabby at 7:40 and keep her for the night. And I'll be over there at 8 to pick you up" He said and I smiled big

"Sounds like a plan" I said

"Alright I'll see you later beautiful" He hung up making me blush

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