He out for us

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Honey Cocaine P.O.V Ik I'm late asf but I'm updating tmr promise

I showed up to me and Micheal's (Tyga) so called date, dressed to the full point in my ripped high waisted shorts, my red long sleeve crop, my red and black flannel wrapped around my waist, and my black combat boots. I even brought my bitch Mimi, I love her ghetto asian ass just like me just funnier.

"Bitch how I look" Mimi said looking at the mirror fixing her hair

"Girl this ain't even no real date, it's just a little meet up with Tyga and his friend" I said and she sucked her teeth

"Shit his friend might be cute, and that means new dick coming in" She said and I rolled my eyes playful at her

"Girl just remerber what he came here for, Chyna gone be watchig us. And this bitch gotta be killed soon." I said and she sighed

"Honey why we don't we just kill the bitch. Like you know how we do" Mimi said and I shook my head

"Im trying to protect me from going to jail and protect my friends." I said

"So bitch when we go up and here, you gotta get his friend away from me and tyga. Ima go fuck him in the bathroom..." She cut me off

"Wait tf, so you get to get some dick but I don't" She said and I rolled my eyes

"Listen just make a big distraction to get Chyna's attention off me and Tyga."

"Yo plan sound evil, and you my bitch so I'm down with the shits." She said and I laughed getting out and we walked side by side together

We walked in the club, it was a chill yet lit scence. I looked across the bar to see Michael with his friend, and I smiled and walked over with Mimi. Michael smiled at me trying to resits looking me up and down and I smirked.

"What's good Honey?" Michael said

"Nothing much just doing what I do best" I said and Mimi bumped me signaling that she wanted to get to know the friend and I rolled my eyes

"Y'all this is my bestfriend Mimi she like my sister. And Mimi this is Tyga, this is Mimi" I said and she waved and Tyga smiled he must be high all that smiling

"Aye my bad, y'all this my home boy Remmy." Tyga said

"Aye what's good ma, why don't I buy you a drink and you tell yo pretty self all about me." Remmy said pulling Mimi hand and she started gigling as they walked down

"So it's just you and me" Tyga said as I sat down next to him and he smiled letting his head resting on my shoulder

"You high?" I asked taking out my own blunt from behind my ear and pulling out a lighter lighting it up

"Yeah high and horny. Honey you know I miss you right" He said kissing on me and I pushed him off me, not hard but just to get him off me Chyna was watching and I could feel it

"Mhm I know you missed me, and I know you been missing this sweet honey" I said licking my lips as I took a puff of the blunt blowing it in his face laughing softly

I made eye contact with Mimi at the bar, and she got on the bar dancing kicking off glasses off the table top. Causing a sence and I grabbed Michael's face and whrispered in his ear

"Come and get sum of this honey" I said getting up and walking towards the bathroom walking in the girls bathroom and two girls finished up and left and soon Michael came in locking the door behind him.

I said I wouldn't fuck with him no more but, I got bussiness to take care of so a girl gotta do with a girl gotta do.

All we had to do is make is eye contact and he ran up to me picking me up lifting me on the counter taking off my shorts, kissing me on my neck.

And y'all know what went down from there :)


K. Michelle P.O.V

I kept getting calls from Aubrey and it was annoying as hell, I've been staying with bey just having us some girl time. Even Ava is happy to be home, being able to play with her cousin Gaberilla. There was a knock in the door and bey looked at me and I sighed.

"You this yo damn house, I'm the damn guest" I yelled walking to the door

"Girl bye you family" She said and I rolled my eyes playfully and I answered the door and long behold me aubrey was in front of me and I rolled my eyes and I steped out and he looked down on me

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whrispered yelled at him

"I came here, to bring you and Ava home." He said and I looked at him like he was crazy

"Drake you must be out yo rabbit ass mind, if you think me and Ava are leaving. My decision was to come home, get a break from you. Because right now I don't even know you right now. This dumb Six shit, India shits, I'm just done. Bring the old Aubrey i fell in love back. Cuz this new Aubrey is dumb and is not the one I fell for" I said and I walked back in the house leaving him there

I walked back into the living room and bey looked shocked and she stared at me, I gave her a confused look.

"Bey tf wrong with you?" I asked

"Remerber trey brother, Odell?" She asked

"Yeah, we ain't talk that much tho. But I met him before" I said

"He coming for us" Bey said and I cocked my head to the side

"Why tf" I said confused

"Cuz he thinks you killed trey that night at the hosptial" She said and I smacked my lips

"I ain't even worried. We'll call Honey up and take care of bussiness tommorw" I said sitting on the couch

"He said he on his way, he know where I live." Bey said and I jumped up

"BITCH CALL HONEY" I Yelled running upstairs going to grab my gun

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