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Unknown P.O.V

"When are you coming home?" I asked

"Baby I don't know, I'll be home as soon as we're done filming" He said and I sighed

"Fine but be home soon me and plus two miss you" I said and he chuckled

"I miss both of you too. Sleep well baby, I'll call you tomorrow" He said and I smiled

"Goodnight love" He said and I hung up and sighed rubbing my baby bump I miss him so much


Unknown P.O.V #2

"Hello" I said

"Hello beautiful" And immediately I knew his voice

"Isn't it a surprise hearing your voice, it's been a week." I said looking at my nails

"Come on baby I'm sorry" He said

"I'm your wife and you sit here and don't call me for a week. I understand you're out in Africa for your movie, but this is no way to treat your wife" I said and he sighed

"I'll make it up to you baby, I'll come down to Arizona. Come pick you up and take you to that new hot spot and spoil you." He said making me smile

"Mhm just be home soon" I said and I could tell he was smirking


K. Michelle P.O.V

July 26


"God I'm tired of changing clothes, hairstyles, and makeup. I'm ready to go, I have to pick up Ava at 2" I said

"Kim you won't be leaving out of here till 4" My agent said and I sighed

"Alex hand me my phone" I said

"And bitch what you think you is now?" Alex said and I rolled my eyes

"Ya damn boss, now hand me my phone" I said and he put a mug on his face

"What's the damn word?" Alex said

"Alex hand me my motherfucking phone. I am not in the mood to play" I said and he laughed

"The word was please but okay queen diva" He said and I rolled my eyes snatching my phone out his hands

"Well damn bitch" He said walking away

"Hoe" I said and I sighed calling Aubrey up

"Hello" He asked

"Aubrey I need you to pick up Ava from school, I'm at a photoshoot and I won't be leaving till 4" I said

"Why can't your boyfriend pick her up" He said and I sighed

"Because he had to fly to the England to see his sick mother. He left last night. Plus I'm asking you her father." I said

"Well I'm at work so, I'll get India to pick her up" He said and I sighed

"Never mind, I'll call bey" I said and he sucked his teeth

"What is up with you and her. You been acting very bitchy just because we're together. Can you stop acting like a jealous bitch and act mature" He said and he pissed me off

"I've been acting bitchy, I'm jealous. Saying the nigga who didn't act right when I told him I was engaged. Hold up, Ima show you some shit give me five minutes" I said

"I'll be right back. Give me a hour and I'll be back and we can continue this." I said and I left out


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