Everything happens for a reason Pt.1

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K. Michelle P.O.V

1 week later...

June 13

Ever since last week I went to england and found out Idris wasn't as loyal as I thought. Found out he has a wife who is pregnant and a girlfriend who he planned on marrying too, which was the one I walked in on. He was a sicking person who decided to play us all behind our backs.

"Kim you can't keep drinking?" Bey said taking the bottle away from me

"Why not? Ain't my life already turned to shit" I said

"Kim I ain't finna let you, drink yourself away. Ava doesn't need to see her mother like this" Bey said

"She doesn't, she's with her grandmother." I said and she sighed sitting in front of me

"Kim you can't do this, please. Just like you told Sochitta Ima tell you with or without a man, you will be just alright. Now Kim you are my sister from another mister. Now get in the shower and dressed." Bey said hugging me and I cried

"Why buy, everything bad keeps happening to me" I said crying and she rubbed my back

"Everything bad happened to all of us, even the good people. Kim you have to take this, learn from it, move on. Focus on you and Ava. Can't sit here and cry over someone who didn't deserve your love, for right now you focus on Ava and you." Bey said rubbing my back

"Your baby will show you love and Love from a man will come later. Now come on and take a shower and get dressed." She said pulling away and looking at me and she smiled and I wiped away my tears


Aubrey P.O.V

"Come on India baby, push for me" I said holding her hand as she pushed the for the baby

"1....2....3...Push" The doctor said and India did as she said squeezing my hand fuck think she just broke a bone in my hand

"I see the head, I need one more good push" The doctor said and India started breathing squeezing my hand and she pushed and I heard a cry as India fell back breathless

"It's a girl" The nurse said holding my baby girl and the nurse cleaned her up weighing her and wrapping her in a blanket and the nurse handed her to me and I smiled she was beautiful like her mother

I looked at India to see she looked asleep but her heart rate monitor when dead and an hosptial alarm went off. And the words 'Cold Blue' were said over the speaker and nurses and doctors rushed in.

Pushing me and the baby out the room, my heart sank and I was scared. I looked down at our baby and she looked up at me confused.


"Mr. Graham, she did not make it" The doctor said and I shook my head

"I'm sorry son" He said

"Ima miss her, she was my wife. And now I'm not so sure of myself anymore." I said and the doctor sat next to me patting my back

"Well you have a beautiful baby girl and you need to take care of her. But I'm here for ya, is there anything else I can do for you" The doctor asked and I nodded

"Yeah, can you give me and our daughter a DNA test" I said and he looked at me like I was crazy and sighed

"Alright come this way" He said and we both walked together


K. Michelle P.O.V

"We're at the studio?" I said to be, confused why we were here

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