Me, Myself, and I

367 13 1

K. Michelle P.O.V

5 months later....

5 months pregnant

December 3rd



"Mommy can I play in the snow?" Ava asked and I smiled

"Go ahead baby" I said and she smiled running off the patio jumping into the snow

It felt so good to be gone, to be free. I was out in Europe on a private little piece of land, that I brought for me, Ava, and the baby just to have a place to get away. I'm so in love being here, I feel at peace.

Only to focus on me, Ava, and my baby, even Ava is happy to be having a new little brother or sister. Bey has already had her baby and I'm happy for her, she said it would be a surprise when she came to see me.

Honey has been checking up on me too and I've been making sure she's been alright, she went home to her family to get away as well. I've been here since the day Idris took me to the doctor, and he's still been blowing up my phone. So has Aubrey but, I haven't been paying him no mind tho, but that will soon come to an end cuz Ava's birthday is next week.

She wants to have her daddy come out here with her Auntie bey and Gabby and her Auntie Honey. She want my mother to come out here too, Ima have to fly her out but she afraid of flying so I wonder how that's gonna work out.

"Alright come on Ava so we can get dress and go see rather you're going to be a big sister to a baby brother or a baby sister" I said struggling to get up but Ava ran to me and she helped me up and I kissed her cheek

"Thank you baby" I said and I held her hand as we walked back in the house


"What's that blue jelly stuff you put on her tummy?" Ava asked the doctor

"It's the gel we put on mommy's stomach to help us see the baby with the monitor" She said and I smiled

"Ooooh what's that?" Ava asked pointing to the picture of the baby and the doctor looked at me and I nodded

"It's your baby brother" She said and I smiled as Ava jumped up and down excited

"Do you want pictures?" The doctor asked and I smiled nodding

"Okay I'll send the nurse in to clean you up while I get the pictures together" She said

"Thank you Doctor Abbey." I said

"Bye Doctor Abbey" Ava said smiling and waving

"Bye Mrs. Pate, bye Ava" She said as she walked out and Ava grabbed my hand

"Mommy?" Ava said

"Yes baby girl" I said

"When is my brother going to come out?" She asked and I laughed

"Ava we got four more months" I said and she sighed and I laughed as the nurse came in with a towel wiping the gel off my stomach

"Ava you better enjoy these days just like I'm enjoying them. Because when the baby comes, you're going to be waking up with me when the baby cries, Ima need you to help make bottles. Bump the baby and even change the diapers" I said playing with her and her face turned into a unsure face

"Diapers?Ew. Keep that baby in there" She said

"Nah time for you to be a big sister" I said and she pouted and I laughed

"It's okay baby girl, you ain't gone have to do all that. But you're still going to help me" I said and she sighed putting holding her face in her hands

"Mommy we get some pizza and go home and watch Princess and the frog?" She asked and I smiled

"Of course princess" I said and I kissed her nose and we both lifted out


Me and Ava laid out on the couch, eating pizza and junk food watching princess and the frog. I loved my daughter, she was my other half to my heart.

"Mommy can you braid my hair" She said and I nodded and she sat in between my legs and I took the brush from her and I brushed her curly hair and I started to french braided her hair

"Mommy is daddy going to come to my birthday party?" She asked and I sighed

"I don't know baby girl, I haven't talked to him just yet" I said

"I'll call him" She said and she grabbed my phone and dialed him before I could even grab the phone and she ran from me

"Hi daddy it's Ava your princess" She said and I sighed not even about to bother to try and get the phone from her

"Yeah we're in Europe right now, I miss you too daddy. But I got good news" Ava said

"Ava Nova Graham, you better give me that phone right now. Or I will turn off this movie and pop that little tail" I said and she huffed walking to me giving me the phone

"Take yo ass right to bed. Goodnight Ava" I said and she began to about to throw a temper tantrum

"You bet not. You're too old to be throwing a temper tantrum.Go straight to sleep" I said and she cried loudly going into her room and closed the door

"Hello" I said

"Kim leave her alone" Aubrey said and I rolled my eyes

"She disobey me and she knew what would happened. Then she wanted to get a temper tantrum like she was still 2" I said and he sucked his teeth

"She get's it from you" He said and I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth

"I guess since I got you on the phone. As you know Ava's birthday is next week. We're in europe and I'm flying everyone out to come and celebrate Ava's birthday, and she wants you to be there" I said

"I love my daughter, would take a bullet for her. Do anything so, I'll be there but there is something I need to tell you" He said and afraid of what next he was going to say I cut him short

"I'll talk to you later goodnight Aubrey" I said hanging up on him and I sighed

Lord knows what he was going to say, I didn't want to hear him talk about anything of love. I'm already scared how will he and my mother react to me being pregnant. I don't know what to do.

Aubrey P.O.V

I looked down at Aaliyah as she slept, I couldn't understand why Kim acted so weird well I guess time will tell. I just wanted to tell her I was sorry about what I said about her and tell her what happened with India. Hopefully when I go to Ava's birthday maybe I'll get the chance to tell her.

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