Come with me???

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K. Michelle P.O.V
October 6th

"Come on Kim, it's just a small dinner. Ain't that bad just get dressed and come on down" Bey said and I just sighed rolling over and closing my eyes and she walked out me thinking she finally gave up she came back with Ava

"Come Ava tell mommy to wake up" Bey said putting her on top of me and I turned over and saw Ava smiling at me and I picked her up cuddling her on my side

"You been good today baby girl" I said and she giggled as I tickled her sides and I kissed her cheek

"Alright I'll get dressed" I said and bey and ava clapped

I walked down the stairs with Ava on my hip, I was dressed in my nude colored dress, my nude colored high heels and my makeup was something sweet and simple.

I dressed Ava in her black leggings, her white 'princess diva' shirt, and her black dress shoes with little diamonds on them.

"Aww look at mommy and daughter on fleek" Honey said and I smiled and I sat Ava in her highchair next to gabby who was wearing light blue and white matching with bey

"So you feeling better?" RiRi questioned and I smiled

"Yeah, I'm just kind of over it now. Only thing I care about is y'all my family, Ava, and me." I said smiling

"Well don't be mad but, I invited a friend to dinner" She said and I cocked my head to the side who tf is she talkin bout

All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door and Rihanna smiled and got the door.

Revealing Aubrey and my attitude level just got even higher, he hugged Rihanna and then bey and honey.

What the fuck why does everyone have a connect with my baby daddy.

"Hey Aubrey how you doing baby." Rihanna mother hugged him and I was just lookin like I lost my mind

"I doing good Ma'am" He said with a smile that flashed around the house and Rihanna two brother's came downstairs and they all dapped each other up

Then I saw him and Ava lock eyes, and Ava smiled giggling and I looked back at Aubrey's face he looked like his heart melted.

He walked up to me and I exhaled looking up at him, damn I hate that he's taller than me.

"Kimberly..." I cut him off already knowing what he about to say

"Go ahead" I said looking away from him and he sighed walking away from me and I smiled seeing him pick up Ava and kiss her cheek as she giggled and smiled

My heart warmed up so much when, I saw Ava so happy and smiling.

I was happy she was finally being with her father and I was happy, I didn't want her to grow up like me without my father in my life.

Unanswered questions, always waiting for the day of him coming back, and giving up.

Throughout the whole dinner, there was laughs and smiles exchanged. Me and Aubrey were already co-parenting and I almost felt like we were actually together because of how good we worked together.

It was quited down, Ava had even fallen asleep on Aubrey's chest. They had all played all day, and I was glad that she was tired so she wouldn't wake in the middle of the night crying.

We were sitting my the pool side just talking and I was just enjoying his company.

"Kimberly" He said my name and I turned over to him lying on the pool chair
"Yea Aubrey" I said softly

"You know I love you and Ava, I know I did somethings wrong. I shouldn't have left you and Ava alone here in Atlanta, anything could have happen to you and God knows I would have lost my mind without the both of you. I'm sorry and I will never leave the both of you, Kimberly I ready to be a father" He said and he looked straight at me

"Kimberly come to Canada with me" He said and everything

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