Talk with Him

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K. Michelle P.O.V
Two days later....
5:00 pm

I breathed in and out before knocking on the door and I looked down at my outfit, hoping it wasn't going to tempt him in any way.

I was wearing a yellowish dress that stopped a little bit above, my knee and my gold strapped high heels.

The door opened and I looked up to see a smiling Aubrey and he picked me up kissing me all over my face and as much as I wanted to enjoy this, I couldn't due to the fact it wasn't appropriate.

"Aubrey..." I said softly and he got the hint

"Oh my bad" And he put me down smiling at me and I looked down trying to stop myself from smiling back at him

"Come in" He said opening the door for me and I walked in and I almost screamed running back to Aubrey

"What?" He said confused and I ran behind him and he laughed

"Oh you talking about Teddy'' He said petting the lion and it purred trying to get to me

"Come on Kim it's not all that bad. I think he like you" He said and I jumped on Aubrey's back and he laughed

"Alright let me get them all outside" He said and I looked at him crazy

"All of them, there's more" I said scared and he laughed even more

"It's just his sister Zora, another lion. Just go chill in the living room. Ima take them out" He said trying to sit me on the couch but, I didn't let go and he laughed even more

"Kimberly it's alright" He said finally getting me to sit down and he laughed once more putting me down and I watched him as he put the two lions outside in their cages

"Alright so what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked sitting down in front of me

"Um...a couple days ago, I ran into your fiancé and she knows about us. Every question she asked me, I denied everything. Told her I didn't know who she was talking about, and I don't know nothing she is talking about" I said looking down as he stared at me and the room filled with silence

"C' mere" He said and I looked up at him to see he was serious

"Um...Aubrey...." I said and he cut me off

"C' mere" He said his voice deeper and I did as he said walking over to him and he pulled me on his waist

"Now what did I tell you before. Don't worry about that, I got you so chill" He said and just as I was about to say something he grabbed my face

"Don't say nothing, just say you understand" He said and I nodded

"I understand" I said looking down what the hell is this man doing to me

"Now baby girl open that box on the table" He said and my eyes went to the table to see a black box sitting on the table and I picked it up opening it and I was shocked

It was 20 carrot diamond necklace with a key attach to it and I smiled at Aubrey and he smiled back.

"You like?" He asked and I smile but it soon faded making me look down

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked lifting my chin up to look at him

"I like it, it's just..." He cut me off kissing me knowing already what I was about to say and I felt weak like I was going to pass out this man was giving me life and we pulled away and he put the necklace on me

"I'm not going to marry her Kim." He said shocking me once again

"I'm going to get out of this and once I'm out of this I want to take you somewhere far from here and spend all my time with you" He said kissing my hand and I sat there not knowing what to say

Me and Aubrey were running around the house laughing and we passed out lying in his music room where I saw this huge mirror.

Aubrey pulled me up and stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, and we looked at each other in the mirror.

"Damn you getting thick" Aubrey said and I rolled my eyes slipping out of his arms and he grabbed my waist and I started whining

"Stop, you ain't let me finish" He said and I rolled my eyes at him

"You ain't notice yo ass, thighs starting to get thick. What's this new change from the last time" He said rubbing my thighs smirking against my neck making me giggle as he went higher

"Papi stop" I whined and he smirked

"Oh so I'm papi now" He said getting cocky and I laughed

"Don't get too cocky, I just wanted to call you it" I said and he shook his head

"You said it our first time. So that's how I got my nickname from you screaming" He said and I pushed his chest

"Kiss my ass" I said and he smirked

"Why I already ate the booty like groceries " He said and I rolled my eyes seeing it was 9 o' clock

"Alright, it's time for me to go." I said and he sighed

"Again" He said pouting likes little kid and I laughed

"Yes, I have work tonight" I said grabbing my purse off the couch

"Watch when I make you mine, you ain't gone have to work" He said and I laughed

"That's if I'm ever yours" I said walking towards the door

"Alright bet" He said and I stood in front of him

"Have a good day at work. Text me later" He said kissing my cheek

"Yeah later" I said smiling walking away


Honey Cocaine aka Sochitta P.O.V

"So honey who's this bitch calling you out on twitter?" My girl chica and I looked at her phone

To see this bitch blac China, calling me out saying 'Honey cocaine, who the fuck is that. Oh yeah Some whack bitch who thinks she can rap'

I pulled my phone out and went on twitter, ha she wanna try to come after me Ima come after this hoe.

"Who's this BlacChina bitch all I heard is that she some hoe ass stripper who thinks she's better because some nigga saved her hoe ass" I posted it and I laughed making a video on Instagram

"Bitch who is me bitch, who is you. I'm the bitch from Canada who stays killing bitches from left to right. I ain't never needed no nigga to take care of me or change me, I'm the type of bitch you wish to be" I said and I stopped the video posting it on Instagram

"Ion know his this bitch think she is, coming for me. She better watch herself" I said and Chica looked at me

"Girl you know that's tyga's baby mama" She said and I kissed my teeth rolling my eyes

"No I ain't no that bitch had a child with Michael. But I sure don't give a fuck she can't sit with me cuz I'm too high of standard for her hoe ass" I said and just then my phone rang from an unknown number and I answered with a boring carefree voice

"Honey who the fuck you think you talking to, you talking to my baby mama like that..." I cut the voice off


"Chica roll the weed up, I ain't got time for this dumb ass hoes and these bitch niggas" I said throwing my head back

"I got you honey" She said rolling up a blunt

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