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K. Michelle P.O.V


"Mrs. Pate your pregunat?" The doctor said and I looked at him like he was crazy
"You funny doc, really funny." I said laughing and I started crying when I realized he was serious

There was a knock on the door and the door opened wide realiving Trey and Aubrey.

"Who is the father?" The doctor asked me and I shook my head confused

"Wait Kimberly I love you but, you would go behind my back and sleep with another man. You promise me?" Aubrey said with tears in his eyes

"Man fuck this nigga I know I'm the father." Tremaine said
"Nah I'm the father" Aubrey said
"Wait who is the father?" They both questioned at the same time

***********End Of Dream**********

I jumped up covered in sweat and tears and I started breathing heavy, and I started going into a panic attack and if I didn't calm down I was going to have a heart attack.

I still didn't understand why I was freaking out like this, I needed to calm down but I felt like I couldn't control myself.

I grabbed my phone and I called bey and she answered after the third ring.

"Hello" She answered sleepily
"Bey, I need you I'm going into a panic attack." I said breathing fast
"Alright calm down..." I dropped my phone grabbing my chest and I felt my heart stop and I passed out
3 hours later....

I woke up in a hosptial bed, my eyes fluttered open first it was all blurry and then my vision was moving slowly to my heart monitor.

I moved slowly back to the feet of my bed and as I blinked my vision started to becoming clear. My heart started to speed up and bey grabbed my hand.

"Kim relax, your fine. You had a heart attack when you panicked and passed out" Bey said and I breathed in and out and my heart slowed down

"Now when I tell you this promise me you won't panic" She said and I kept breathing in and out and I closed my eyes

"Alright that's good keep breathing. Relax yourself" Bey said
"Okay you can tell me" I said and I breathed in and out one last time

"Your three weeks pregunat" She said and I huffed and quickly put my hands over my face crying

"Kimmy cakes, it's going to be alright. We're in this together" She said and I looked at her through my teary eyes

Ain't shit was going to be okay, I wasn't ready for kids. I didn't need to raise my newborn kid in the sisuation I was in now, who wants to raise their kid as a stripper.

Have to leave every night to go to work. I didn't want to abort eirther, something this special and something I been dreaming of no damn way was I letting go of this.

"What do you mean?" I questioned her and she just smiled at me before tears rolled down her face and she pointed to her stomach and I saw a little bumb

"Almost a month old" She said and we both hugged eachother crying and we finally got it together
"Kim do you know who the father is?" She asked and I shook my head

"Three weeks ago I slept with Aubrey. So he's the father but then again I did sleep with trey but, Aubrey should be the father" I said and I sighed

"What the hell am I going to tell him? He's getting married this week to his pregunat finace. He said he's not going to marry her, he's going to break up with her at the wedding before they say I do. And he invited me to the wedding" I said

"Kim this shit is all over the place. He's invited you to the damn wedding. What the hell? Kimberly we gotta meet up and talk about all of this" Bey said

"We gone get this shit together." Bey said and she pulled out her phone

"Alex she up, you can come upstairs" She said

"Uh...what...he's here...well good you can bring him up here too" She said and she hung up

"Aubrey's here so we're all going to talk and me and Alex will keep y'all convesantion on track" She said and I started panicking

"Bey I can't tell him about the baby" I said
"Yes and you will" Bey said
"No I can't..." I was cut off when Aubrey and Alex walked in

"Aubrey Kim pregunat with yo baby" Beyonce yelled out and I grabbed my remote contol and threw it at her

"Bitch..." I mumbled and I was nervous to look at Aubrey and he was smiling big and I was just confused and he ran to me kissing me and I kissed back. Him kissing all over my face making me giggle

"Awww look at Kim. Ghetto ass finally happy" Alex said and Aubrey wrapped his arms around me and he went down and kissed my stomach

"I'm telling you, I can't wait to get rid of her. Kim I want to give you my all but, you gotta promise you something" He said and my heart sped up

As he pulled out a black little box, and he opened it showing a beautiful heart shaped ring.

"Kimberly I ain't known you for long but, I really wanna try to get know you spend more time with you. Spoil you give you all the diamonds and pretty things and show you all the little things in life." He said and he paused grabbing my hand

"Promise me you'll wait on me, I know we ain't in a relationship but I wanna make you mine one day. For now I wanna just get to know you" He said and I smiled

"I promise" I said grabbing his face and kissing him and he pulled away smiling and slid the ring on my finger

Aubrey P.O.V

"Alright mom, what was so important that I had to rush to the hosptial for" I said I had gotten a call from my mother to come to bridge park hosptial

So I had to leave, all the way from the other side of town at the hosptial Kim was at. To be here, and I didn't want to leave her but I know my phone would be blowned up, and I would have to go through all this shit with my mom.

"Aubrey where have you been, Karrchue had the baby last night. We were worried about you when you just disappered" My mother said and I looked at her seriorus

"Go down the hall and see her in 302" She said and I was just scared and I walked down the hall to 302 and I opened the door to see a boquet of flowers and ballons all in blue

My eyes then traveled to karrchue who seemed a little mad to see me but, then she smiled and I looked in her arms to see my son.

I closed the door behind me and I walked slowly over to her and I looked down to see my son.

"Can I hold him?" I asked her and she looked up at me and nodded handing him to me and when I held him in my arms

My world stopped and focused on him and him only. What the hell did I do.

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