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K. Michelle P.O.V

5 Months pregnant

December 9th

Time: 11:54 AM

Today was Ava's birthday and I couldn't wait to show her, what I all planned for her. It was big yet simple. I decided to throw her a runway model birthday party since she loves to be a diva.

Right now she was getting her hair and makeup done, while I was on my way to pick everyone up from the airport. By, Chris, Honey all came running up to me first hugging me and I smiled squeezing them.

"My bitchhhhh" Bey said

"We missed yo ass" Honey said and I smiled

"Missed y'all too, awe bey look at my little baby niece. She's beautiful" I said and Chris chuckled

"There's another one" Chris said holding up another car seat to another baby girl

"Girl why and the hell you did not tell me you were having twins. You said it was a surprise but damn." I said and she laughed

"Poor Chris, you're in a girls world" I said and he laughed

"I know but I love all my girls" He said holding gabby's hand and I smiled

"KIMBERLY MICHELLE PATE!" I heard my mother's voice and I groaned as she walked up to me and she looked down at my stomach

"What in the hell, why the hell you didn't you tell me. See I knew I shouldn't have let you come to Europe, you know I don't like planes nor do I like surprise. I should..." I cut her off

"And this is why I didn't tell you" She stopped me

"I should hug you. You're giving me another grandchild" She said and I sighed in breathe as she hugged me trying not to squish the baby

"I'm so happy, what are you having" I said and everyone pulled their attention on me

"I'm having a boy" I said and everyone cheered in excitement making me smile and Aubrey came out with his mother, his mom holding Ace's hand while he held a car seat covered with a blanket

"Aubrey" I said walking up to him and he hugged me slightly to the side

"Kim you're pregnant again" Aubrey's mother said hugging me and I smiled

"I know what a shocker, it shocked my mother too. It's a boy" I said and she smiled

"Congrats" She said and Ace hugged my legs and I bent down and kissed his forehead

"Hey little man" I said and he rubbed his eyes sleepy not responding he must have just woken up

"You must be Aubrey's mother" My mom said walking up to his mother and shaking her hand

"Yes and your Kimberly's mother. What a pleasure to meet you" Aubrey's mother said and as their conversation continued they walked to towards the car with the others

"I'm surprised India is not here?" I said and aubrey's face froze

"That's what I was trying to tell you the last time we we're on the phone...." My mom yelled

"Kimberly where is my grandbaby?" My mother yelled and I laughed shaking my head

"Tell me later" I said to Aubrey and I turned back to my mama and the crew

"She getting ready for her little day. Come on let's go" I said as we got in my cadillac escalade


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