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K. Michelle P.O.V
Three months later....

I smiled in the mirror, damn I looked fine ass hell ain't nobody got to tell me nothing, I already know. I wore my black crop top bra, my black panties, my black lace cover up, with my black designer shoes.

My hair was curled and my makeup was on fleek, I smiled at my reflection it's been awhile since I smiled.
I had to go through therapy these last three months and I've been tired mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Tonight Aubrey wanted to take me out, I had been giving so much time to Ava feeling bad she had to see her mama go through all of that.

"Mhm all dis for me." I heard Aubrey and he came behind me and I turned around and I smiled at him

"You like Papi" I said and his eyes roamed all over me smirking

"Damn I would just like to have you all to myself here. But I wanna take you out, show my beautiful girlfriend and baby mother off to the world" He said and I blushed smiling hard and my dimples started to show

"Aww Aubrey look what you making me do. Got me smiling" I said

"I'm...just....telling the truth...your just beautiful in and out. Sexy...graceful...elegant..." He said in between kisses traveling from my lips down my neck

"Aubrey.." I said and he pulled away

"Let's go" He said grabbing a hold of my hand and we left out

He opened the car door for me and I smiled getting in and he ran over to his side jumping in. We pulled off heading to I don't know, he still hasn't told me he says it's a surpise.

The car pulled up to the beach, I looked at Aubrey crazy before he got out the car and he smiled. He opened my door and helped me out, I started to take off my heels knowing I was about to be sinking in the sand but Aubrey stopped me.

"Let me carry you" He said and I laughed

"Aubrey I can walk" I said and he shook his head 'no'

"Nah my queen get's the best" He said picking me up making me squeal and laugh

"Aubrey let me down" I said
"Nope not till we get there" He said and I sighed knowing he wasn't but I loved the way he was treating me

After what seemed five minutes Aubrey finally put me down and I fixed my dress and when I looked up I busted into tears.

"You like it baby girl" He said and I jumped in his arms and he catched me laughing and I kissed him all over his face

It was so pretty and I could tell how much effort he put into it. It was probably a billion or a million roses all laid out on the beach with candles shaped in a heart around all the roses.

In the middle it was a picnic set up, it was so cute. It had white curtains around the set up looking very Beautiful.

"Aubrey it's beautiful" I said in a gaze and he smiled big

"I'm glad you like, now come on" He said and he grabbed my hand leading me to the middle and we sat
There were sweets everywhere, everything I like too. Stawberries covered in chocolate and vanilla, whip cream, and grapes.

"Aubrey..." He cut me off stuffing a stawberry in my mouth and i bit into it moaning at the delicious taste

"Don't say nothing. I just want you to relax and take this time for just you and me" He said and I smiled kissing him

3 hours later...

We layed on the beach laughing, smiling, kissing, talking, just having fun. We stayed like this for the whole time until, Aubrey sat up and looked into my eyes and I saw his sparkle.

"Kimberly I love you so much, my heart bleeds out for you and only you. I would give my everything to you, give you anything you want in the world. Spoil you with whatever you would want or need. I need you in my life, 5 minutes without I feel myself going crazy. I love you" He said and a tear slipped down my face

"I love you too Aubrey" I said

"Do you really love me" He said pulling out a box and he opened it and my heart sinked it was a 500k diamond carrot ring and it was huge

"I just want to be happy with you and Ava and my life. Spend the rest of my life with you, loving you and all of you. I want you as my queen, I'll give my all to you. I don't want to wait any longer without you being mine. So I'm here with you on my knees begging for you, to marry me" He said and I smiled wrapping my arms around him kissing him and once I pulled away I looked into his eyes

"Yes" I said and he picked me up spinning me around

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