Baby boy

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K. Michelle P.O.V

1:00 AM

"Aubrey I should have stopped when I had Ava" I said and he chuckled

"Like yo mama said you have not been fucking" He said and I hit him as he helped me walk up and down these halls of the hospital

"Shut up" I said laughing slightly and I felt another contraction and I stopped hissing in pain and Aubrey rubbed my back easing the pain and I sighed

"Where is Idris?" I asked walking back to my room

"He said he needed to step out and make a call, that was an hour ago. He should be back now" Aubrey said as we turned the hall

"His dumb ass should be doing everything you're doing. Aubrey you're such a good man I mean you so...FUCK" I said stopping again squeezing Aubrey's hand and he laughed

"I know I'm fine but damn Kim you wanna fuck me" He said and I hit him in his stomach

"Where the hell is that nurse. I need drugs" I said as we walked into the room to find, Idris and some lady with my mother and Aubrey's mother holding Ava

"Where have you been?" I said holding my stomach as I walked to the bed

"I was calling my mother. Mother meet Kim the mother of my child" Idris said and I looked over at him and his mother and I gave a weak smile and shook her hand

"Kimberly but you can call me K or Kim" I said

"Eve but you can call me Mrs. Elba" She said and the nurse came in

"Mrs. Pate we have your shot of the epidural" The nurse said and I smiled happily

"Girl call me K, girl come and give me them drugs damn baby getting on my nerves" I said sitting on the bed and everyone in the room laughed

Except Idris and his mother and before the nurse even got the chance to stick the needle in me, Idris mother grabbed the nurse's hand.

"I'd be damned if I let her drug my grandson. Where I come from we do natural" She said and I turned around and looked at her as if she was crazy

"I'm sorry but Mrs. Elba, I am going to take this shot in my back and push this baby right on out" I said

"The hell you will. This baby comes into this world natural. No chemicals, no drugs, none of that. I come from Africa, and in Africa we stand on our legs and push the baby out no drugs. I did that with Idris and with his brothers and sisters and I will be dammed if I let my grandson be drugged. That is the devil drug" She said and I felt another contraction and I gripped the bar of my hospital bed groaning in pain

"Listen I don't know you like that but, my baby K is in pain. And if she wants to take that shot of epidural then she will." My mother said

"Bitch the hell she will." Idris mom said and that's when shit went south

"Who you callin a bitch, hoe. I will beat yo ass in this hospital, you don't know me. I'm from Tennessee home, I will beat a bitch down for me, my daughter, and my family. Fuck with me, if you want too" My mama said

"Oh you gon whoop my ass, listen here you and that white bitch can go to hell. Who wanna be first, I hand out ass whipping" She said and that's when Mama Graham got hood as hell

"Bitch I will take my fucking prada shoe off and really beat yo ass. Me being white don't got shit to do with me beatin yo ass, don't come from me unless I send for you. You don't know me, this white bitch will fuck yo life up, you better ask somebody" Mama Graham said and Aubrey had to hold her back with my moms

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