He's Back?

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K. Michelle P.O.V

4 months pregnant

9 months Pregnant

April 10th, Wednesday

11:54 AM

"Mommy are you ever going to get up?" Ava said coming into my room and getting in my bed

"I'm sorry baby, mommy just haven't been feeling well" I said and she sighed rubbing my back

Four month den went by and I'm already past my due date, Aubrey's been checking on me sending me stuff for the baby. He's been really sweet and I appreciate him being there for me and Ava. This baby has been having me on edges, I've been jumping on everybody. Having cramps all at night keeping me up and everything that I eat keeps coming right back up. I swear if this baby don't get up out of here, shit.

There was a knock at the door and I sighed dammit I sat up and grabbed my vitamins for the baby on the side and took them.

"Ava baby hand me my robe and help ya mama up" I said and she grabbed my robe and I wrapped it around me and she pulled my hand helping me up and I wobbled my way to the door as Coco and Missy Ava's dogs barked

"Aye hush" I said and they whimpered and I sighed holding my head as I felt a headache and I opened the door to find WHAT THE HELL

"Idris what are you doing here" I said and he ignored me looking down at my stomach

"Wow look at you, I seen the pictures but you never told me what we we're having" He said

"It's a boy now bye" I said about to close the door on him but he put his foot in the door and stopped me

"Please Kim let me here for the birth of my son. I know I've done wrong by you and everything, but please let me be here for our son. And make it up to you again, I..." He said I sighed

"Fine I would never stop the man of my child from being at his own child's birth. I will let you stay, but you will stay away from Ava. And stay out my way until my water breaks, deal?" I said and he smiled

"Deal" He said

"You can come in, but you will not stay here. There's a hotel up the street. Come in and sit" I said and we walked into the living room and he sat on the couch and I stood in front of him

"I have to take Ava school and then I have a doctor's appointment a 2" I said and he nodded and before he could say anything else I walked away from him

I walked into Ava's room to find Ava already dressed and I smiled and she handed me a brush and I sat on her bed and she sat on the floor.

"So Idris is here, but you may not talk to him or even go near him. He will only be here for awhile okay." I said

"Okay mommy" She said and I bent down and kissed her cheek

"Good Angel" I said and I put her hair in a curly bun and I laid her edges down

"Alright now let mommy go get ready and we can leave till then go and eat breakfast" I said and she nodded as I got up and went to take a shower


"Well Mrs. Pate there's nothing wrong with you or the baby. The baby is just taking it's time, I say by this week your baby boy should be ready to come out but if it doesn't we'll have to let you stay at the hospital and put you on baby watch. So for right now I say you do some yoga to help the baby and it will relax you some too" My doctor said and I smiled

"Well thanks doc, hopefully this damn baby will come out" I said as she rubbed the gel off my stomach and she laughed

"I hope too, any names?" She asked

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