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Beyonce P.O.V

I grabbed my keys, my phone, and my purse and left out. August called me sounding sick, I felt bad for him so I decided to go check up on him. Once I got to his house I knocked on his door and he answered leaned over, about to past out but I caught his side.

"August" I said and I helped him inside closing the door behind me and I laid him on the couch

"Have you been taking care of yourself. Did you eat?" I said and he smiled up at me and I took off his shades to see he looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in a couple weeks

"Anthony, what's been going on. Why..." He cut me off grabbing my hand and putting it to his heart

"Your so beautiful you know that." He said and I sighed looking at the sight of him I felt bad and I lifted him up

I helped him upstairs and I walked into his bathroom, and I sat him on the counter while I turned on his shower. I turned back to him and I started undressing him, and I looked up from my eyelashes to see he was smiling weakly at me.

"You know you ain't even gotta do all this ma" He said and I finally unbuttoned the last button his shirt and I removed his shirt

"I want to help you. Plus you stink, can you stand" I said and he tried and almost fell I guess it's all because, he hasn't slept or ate anything

I sighed and I slipped off my shirt throwing it to the side and I took my shoes off and unbuttoted my jeans. And all August could do was smile and I playful pushed him

"Don't get too excited" I said and once he was fully undressed I helped him in the shower

I started helping him get washed up and as I was washing his chest, he grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he grabbed my chin pulling my face, up towards him and we kissed. That kiss turned into a whole makeout session.

K. Michelle P.O.V

I walked into the resturant with Aubrey keeping my head down with my shades on. Hearing them yell out my name and ask rude questions and judge me. It make me, get in a pissed off mood.

"I'm so tired of dealing with this" I said as he pulled out my chair as we were seated

"Just ignore them" He said and I rolled my eyes

"I don't want our kids growing up, hearing about me being a stripper and all type of stuff" I said and he held my hand

"Baby fuck the public, they don't know you like I do. Your beauitful, sexy, smart, a great wife, and a great mother" He said making me smile

"And I'll go to talk and get the parazzi to stop following us around and yelling out things about you like that" He said

"Thank you Aubrey" I said

"Anything for my future wife" He said kissing my hand and some girl walked up to us and Aubrey's face froze and he pulled away from me

"India?" He said standing up

"Aubrey" She said and they both smiled hugging eachother what the hell is going on


Aubrey hasn't payyed attention to me the whole night, instead he's been on this girl. Telling me about him and her and how they known eachother since high school.

So what I've found out, that the bitch name is India, she look young as hell but she 28 Aubry and her know eachother from high school.

They use to date but, they broke up when she moved from the city to go to college in cailfornia.

All Aubrey has done is talk about her and himself, never even said oh hey this is kim my future wife we got kids. Nothing, the bitch don't even know my name and I'm already getting sick of them.

"It was nice meeting you India, but I need to go home and go and get my kids ready for school tommrow bye drake" I said getting up and walking out the limo pulled up for me and I got in on my way home

Once I opened the door Aubrey mother was on the couch with the kids watching nemo. Ava and Ace ran over to me and I picked them up kissing them both and Aubrey mother walked up to me smiling.

"Alright I'm leaving on my way. But where's Aubrey" She asked

"With his ex" I sighed and she looked surpised and shocked

"I will have a talk with him, dont you worry. Now I'll be on my way good night kimberly" She said and I hugged her as she left


I put the kids down to sleep and I was up doing laundry, and getting ready for my private trip to Atlanta to go see everybody at home. I even decided to take the kids, Aubrey ass can stay in this cold hell hole with India ass.

I heard keys jingle at the door and the door open and close, I sighed not feeling like being bothered with him. I soon heard him walking towards me and I looked up to be faced by him.

"What's up with you" He said but I just ignored him

"Kimberly I'm not playing the fuck is wrong with you" He said and I walked past him and he grabbed my waist pulling me back into him

"Oh my god can you please leave me alone" I said and he picked me up

I kicked and squirm and he walked to the couch sitting down putting me on his lap so that I was straddling him and as soon as I tried to get up he held me down

"What's wrong" He asked

"Nothing, I don't wanna talk about it" I said and with his free hand he smacked my ass making me wimper

"Your not going no where until, you tell me what's wrong" He said and I rolled my eyes

"It's about India, isn't it. Your jealous aren't you?" He said and I tired to get away from him but I couldn't

"Fuck you Aubrey, you acted like you didn't even know me. Didn't even introduce me to her, that's why I'm mad. Why would I be jealous of her when I'm at 10 and she a 5" I said and he finally let go of me and I walked away from him

-Damn what's going on with Aubrey and K

-Comment & Vote PLZ- Dancer Jay<3

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