The Six

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Aubrey P.O.V

Next day


"So when will she wake?" I asked the doctor 

"Hopefully sometime this week she will, if not have to put her on emergency support" He said and I nodded taking her hand into mine

"Thanks doc" I said and he nodded leaving out

"Kimberly baby, I need you. Ava needs you, please just wake up for me." I said kissing her hand and I looked up to hear her voice just to see it was a vision of her

"I hear you baby and I know you and Ava need me but, I need for you to take control and get the bitch who did this to me dead. Remerber your roots, where you came from, you run the Six" Was all she said and she disappered

"I got you" I said and I kissed her forehead and I left out


I had went to my main house out in tornto, I sent a text out to all of the Six members to come and meet up. If they didn't I would have them killed for being unloyal to the Six.

"Mr. Graham they are here" My bulter said and I got up with my black and white suit on and my fur coat on, I had my chains on, my glasses on, and my gold rings on.

I walked in and I saw everyone, it was more than 900 hundrend people here. I smiled happy to see everyone here, and they looked confused.

"Welcome back Six" I said and they clapped

"Well I know you are all confused, of what is going on. Let me care to let you all know what's going on. My girl was shot by someone and I want that bitch dead..." I was cut off when Lamar yelled out from the crowd

"You a pussy ass nigga, how the fuck you quit fucking with us. To make music and then you come back because ya girl got shot and you want us to take care of ya dirty work" He said and I laughed snapping my fingers and my bodyguards picked him up

Dragging him to the front and my butler handed me my glock, and I shot him letting the blood spattler all of my glasses, my fur coat, and hands. I watched all he fell to the ground and saw the fear in everyone's eyes.

"So let that be a lesson, I run this shit. First one to start this all and y'all wanna act like I ain't take care of y'all niggas. Feed y'all and y'all families, gave y'all clothes, all the expensive shit y'all wanted. I am the father of the six god, now get to work. I want locations, facts, names, all that shit and I want that bitch here alive." I yelled and my butler james came up to me with a hand cloth and I put the gun on the palter and cleaned my hands

"Y'all are dismissed" I said walking away


Honey Cocaine P.O.V

"So someone must be after us, and killed the people who was next door to y'all thinking it was y'all. It makes since, I mean the police did say the shooters dropped a note over the bodies saying 'We coming for you and yo crew'." I said and I shook my head

"We need to get this bitch, cuz if she already came thinking she killed them people. Means she know where we at and know what we up to" Alex said and I nodded and my phone started ringing it was Aubrey and I answered

"What's the news Aubrey" I said

"Well I got some good news, I got the Six back together and they working on finding jessica. They just took off in the jet to Atlanta." He said

"Yeah and I got some not so good news. Jessica sent her crew out here to come and kill us, she sent her crew out to come and kill Chris and Bey but, they killed the wrong people" I said and he sighed

"Damn, Alright I'll send some of my men to watch Kim, Ava, and Kim's mother" He said

"Good, we need to meet somewhere. We can't disscuss this on the phone, I think she watching us." I said looking around

"Alright well get all your men ready, and I'll meet you there and we'll go from there" He said hanging up and soon it was a knock on the door from the warehouse and everyone loaded their guns and I picked my glock up and opened the door quickly to...

"What the hell, do y'all know who it is, it's Joseline Hernandez. The Puerto Rican Princess" She yelled and we all relaxed breathing in and out

"Joseline perfect timing" I said and Alex and bey rolled their eyes expect August who was glued on her and I gave August a warning look

"What?" He asked

"We are not here to fuck, people that are suppose to help us get to the ememy" I said and he kissed his teeth

"Aye Aye, Honey the six found her" Tyga came running towards me

"Alright load up we going to the airport" I said and I got a call from Aubrey

"Did you get the news we found her" He said and I smiled

"Yeah I did, tell your boys I said good job" I said and I hung up

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