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K. Michelle P.O.V
October 7th

"Kim what are you going to do?" Alex asked and I shook my head

"I don't know, I mean we talked about it all last night. He said he already had brought me and Ava, a house to live in he said I wouldn't have to work, he would give me money, and always come and see us during the day" I said sipping on my wine

We were back on the boat on our way back to Atlanta, I still had Aubrey's question on my mind. He asked me to come with Candana, Ion know how I feel about it eirther.

I mean to just up and leave and go to Candana with him, that would mean leaving my friends down here, my mother, and my job, everything.

"I think you should do it. It will be something new to try and do, you should think about Ava and her having a father. Maybe you could even meet a better man than Aubrey up there." Alex said and I rolled my eyes

"I'm not worried about men, I worried about me and my daughter" I said

"Kimberly just try it and if you want to come back home, come back home. I'll watch the house for you while, your gone. Or at least go up there for a week or so and see how you like it was so far. And I'll come and visit you know, me and the whole crew" Alex said and I sighed

"Fine, I'll give it a try. I'll call him as soon as we get to Atlanta" I said and Alex smiled

Ava was out sleep in bed and I was up, I called up Aubrey and he answered after the third ring.
"Hello" He said in a sleepy tone of voice, was he sleep it's only 5 in the afternoon

"Were you sleep?" I questioned and he yawned
"Yeah it's 8 in the morning here" He said
"Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to call and tell you I thought about what you asked me yesterday" I said and there was a long pause before he spoke up

"And what...?" He said and I looked down
"I wanna give it a try, I mean Ava deserves her father in her life. So I don't want to ruin that for her because, I know the feeling of missing a father" I said and I could tell he was smiling

"When did you wanna come down?" He asked

"Three weeks from now" I said
"Sounds good, I'll have the jet ready and the house cleaned up and ready for y'all" He said and I sighed

"Alright, well I have to get to work so I'll talk to you later" I said
"Alright later" He said
"Later..." I was just about to hang up the phone but he stopped me

"Kimberly" He spoke
"Huh?" I answered
"I love you" And I froze and he hung up

I spun around the pole shaking my ass, Waka Flocka round of applause. Money was being thrown everywhere, and I picked up my money putting it in my bra as the song went off I smiled fakely and walked off.

I saw Lance and I smiled walking over to him and he smiled back and I sat at the bar with him.

"Hey Lance, what are you doing here?" I asked about to order me a drink
"I've come to see you, since you haven't called me yet. " He said and I bit my bottom lip looking down

"I'm sorry things have been crazy, I went on a trip with my friends, and plus some things happen. And I'm moving to Candana in three weeks" I said and he laughed at my sad look

"It's alright Kim, I'm just messing with you. I come here everynow and then when, I need or drink or just to relax" He said and I smiled

"So are you still up for having dinner with me. I mean your leaving, so it would be nice to take you out before you leave" He said and I smiled

Now look ya bitch Mrs. Boss lady Kimberly ain't being no hoe, I am simply going out to dinner with a man who is my friend.

He's a nice guy who just wants dinner so, don't jump to conclusions.

"Yeah I'm up for it. Just let me know when and where and I'll be ready" I said and he smiled back

"Tommrow, seven" He said
"I'll text you, I promise" I said as he got up putting his coat on
"Alright well I see you Kimberly" He said walking away with a smirk on his face

"Kim what do you think, your doing flirting with customers" Taz bitch ass came up to me and I rolled my eyes

"You are not my daddy, so goodbye" I said about to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and I turned back around to him

"Kimberly do you wanna lose your job" He threated me and I looked at him in disgust

"Look here, I basically own this club. If I wasn't here, your club would go to shit, I was the one who brought famous rich niggas in here and got you where your at." I looked him up and down

"But then again what am I tripping for, your just mad cuz I've been ignoring you and I haven't you gave any attention since your little hoe ass accident." I said walking away from him

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