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K. Michelle P.O.V

1 week later 

October 15th

Ava's birthday

"Goodmorning my birthday princess" I smiled as Ava opened her eyes and she smiled slightly and I started kissing all of her face

I remerber the day I gave birth to a blessing and people told me to abort but, I wouldn't listen. Ava is my life and little joy that makes me smile eveyday. I wanted to spoil her with everything she wanted, she was my little princess and I wanted her to feel like one.

"Ma Ma" She said and I smiled

"Yes today is your birthday princess" I said and she smiled really big and her face lit up

I picked up her and kissed her cheek and I walked into the living room and Bey, Gabby, Rihanna, Honey, Alex, Aubrey, and my mother they all cheered and said happy birthday to Ava and she smiled clapping her hands together.

"Look at my princess" Aubrey said coming over to me and I almost rolled my eyes

Me and Aubrey haven't talked since last time when I went off on him. I been ignoring him but, today is Ava's birthday so I guess I'll play nice. Plus I have to get us to being nice him since, I work for his music label OVO music. Should have done more research on that job I took.


At the moment I was at dinner with everyone having a good day, and Ava was having a good time and that's all I was focused on.

"Mommy" Ava yelled through the resturant and people looked our way and I exchanged a sorry smile and I turned to Ava

"Yes princess" I said and she made grabby hands at me

"Up up up" She said and I shook my head

"You got to eat first" I said pointing to her food and she frowned pouting and I gave her a serious look

"No" She almost yelled and I almost pulled out my belt

"Don't think you won't get pop" I said and she started kicking her feet and Aubrey came from the bathroom and picked her up out of the high chair

"Keep doing stuff like this, she gone keep acting like this" I said as he sat back down next to me

"She can do whatever she want and get whatever she want. When she with me." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Aww look at y'all, what happened?" My mother asked and I rolled my eyes

"He left that's what happened." I said feeling like my heart had broke into another piece

"Kim..." I stopped him right there

"I'm not feeling too well, I need some air" I said excusing myself and I rushed outside

I guess this is still a very senstive topic for me, I remerber the late nights waiting for him, nights ive cried over a man why when we weren't even shit, tried to sleep with the pain.

Sadly today was a reminder of a whole year I spent in pain and how I was alone. I remerber when I was forced on bed rest and Bey and Alex had to all watch me because, I was on a sucicide watch. When he said 'I do' I felt like I had been played.

At this point I was crying, I didn't even know it. I pulled out a cigrette and lit it. Before it could even touch my lips aubrey had came out, and snatched it out my hand dropping it on the ground putting it out.

"Stop that and c'mere" Aubrey said when I didn't move he grabbed my hand and we walked down the sidewalk and we got in his car

Once the car doors were shut, slience and tension raised in the air. He looked over at me and I looked over at him and when our eyes locked I broke out crying and he pulled me over and I winded up on his lap crying on his chest. He kissed the top of my head.

"I know what I did was wrong but, I'm trying. I'm trying to be better, first a better man, better father and most importantly a better lover. I want us, I want all of you to be mine and all of me be yours." He said and I lifted my head up and he wipped my tears away

"So for a start I divorced karrchue" He said and he surpised me

"Aubrey why, that's someone your hurting. Now she has to deal..." He cut me off

"Kimberly I never loved her, never even wanted to marry her. Only thing I give her credit on is giving life to my son. She ain't you and that's what I want, you all of you" He said and we kissed

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