Getting down to business Pt.1

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Beyonce P.O.V 

The next day


"Will, okay whatever just keep that bitch away from my child." I said and he smacked his lips

"Man Gaberilla will be fine with me. Stop tripping before I give you something to trip about" He said and I rolled my eyes

"Try me" I said making him even more mad

"Don't make me put yo little ass in check" He said and I rolled my eyes

"Do it" I said

"Watch when you get back." He said and I smacked my lips

"Keep them hoes away from my daughter, don't let me come back and to have to shoot a couple hoes" I said

"Alright man, I love yo sexy mean ass too" He said and I could tell he was smirking and I rolled my eye smirking

"Bye Fetty" I said and he made a kissing noise through the phone

"Bye baby girl" He said and I hung up

"Mhm sounds like bey need some dick to put her in check" Alex said looking across from me in the limo and I rolled my eyes

"Bet them eyes be rolling to the back of yo head, when he be taking thoes big long deep strokes..." Honey said and I cut her off

"Girl bye. Now what, we need to be focus on is Kim" I said

"You right, but I feel as something is not right" Alex said and we all nodded agreeing

"I think Ri has something to do with this. Remerber how I told y'all what she did, and how she was trying to hook up with Aubrey again. And Kim found out the text and screenshots weren't real so, she is up to some sneaking ish" Honey said and it really had me thinking

"Yea something ain't right, let me call Aubery" I said and I pulled out my phone and called Aubey

"Hello" His voice sounding tired and sad

"Aubrey how is she?" I asked and he sighed

"She's still in surgery, haven't heard anything since five hours ago" He said and I looked out the window

"I need you to tell me of the story of what all happened last night at the club" I said and he took a deep breath before he started his story

"So it was around 9 and we were at the club. For this party that was going on for work, the last couple of days me and Kim haven't talked much ever since I told her I love her. We had been through so much, espcially with Karrchue popping up at my job and then Rihanna and her lies. Shes been trying to get back with me but, I refuse and Kim wanted to fight her but I told kim it's not worth it." He said sounding sad

"Anyways back to that night, Kim was trying to get to my attention. She kept saying someone was watching her and she felt uncomfortable, like she felt trouble was coming. But, I was drunk and hurt because she didn't love me back so I didn't care. Only if I listened to her, lord forgive me" He said wanting to break out and cry as I heard his voice crack

"So I saw her sitting at the bar and a couple seconds laters she was out of my site, so I had just took a guess saying she went to the bathroom. Then I saw rihanna and she was all over me trying to hurry, and get me out the club, like she knew what was going on." He paused for a second

"Then as soon as we were close by the door, I heard gunshots and I over heard the coverstantion of the club owner, and some girl and they describe what happened and that was Kim was shot. I rushed to the bathroom people standing around her and soon from there she was out of my arms" He said and I could tell he was breaking down crying

"It's going to be okay Aubrey. Me and the crew are on our way give me an hour" I said and Alex and Honey looked somewhat confused and I hung up

"The fuck, we like here." Honey said pointing at the hospital

"Aye Joe take me to Straight Aveneue on Red nose road ( Straight just made that up)" I yelled and my driver turned so quick

"We got some business to handle. Hope y'all ready" I said pulling out my glock and cocking it back and Alex pulled out his and so did honey

"As Always" We all said together


Rihanna P.O.V

"Well what the fuck you want me to do?" She yelled at me into the phone

"Look bitch you owe me. I wanted the bitch dead" I yelled

"And look I thought I killed her. Makes both of us, both unhappy people. You wanna really get rid of her, you'll kill her yourself and kill Karrchue. She ain't gone do nothing but, get in your way and kill you trying to get to Aubrey." Jessica said poping her gum loudly through the phone

"And what was the whole point of you getting revenge, you wanted her dead. But you just seem like a low down bitter bitch" I was pissed off at her, I paid her

"BITCH I AM MISS JESSICA DIME, QUEEN OF THE ATL. So bitch keep it up and yo ass might be next on my list" She said and hung up and I rolled my eyes wish a bitch would

I soon heard a knock on my door and put out my blunt and wrapped myself in my silk china robe and walked to the door. I opened it and I was shocked to be held at gun point by Bey, Alex, and Honey.

"What the fuck" I said

Beyonce P.O.V

"What the fuck" She said confused and Alex knocked her ass out

"So what are we going to do with her" Honey asked

"We gone tie her up, look through her phone text Karrchue and get her here. Knock her out as well, tie her up and just keep the both of them tied up until I get back" I said

"And where are you going?" Honey asked me

"To go check on Kim, I'll be back in a hour maybe even shorter than that" I said and I left out

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