Dealing with Baby mamas and X's

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K. Michelle P.O.V

I woke up on someone chest and I opened my eyes finding I was naked on top of Trey and I was shocked and surprised.

He woke up smiling at me and I was surprised of what happened last night and he placed his hands on my waist holding me so I wouldn't try and get up.

"Tremaine, I don't have time for this" I said and he smacked my ass making me whimper trust me Trey hands are big and he hits hard so yeah that shit hurts

"Tremaine..." He cut me off smacking my ass again and I whimpered rubbing my ass

"You gone stop acting like this?" He asked and I opened my mouth and I couldn't even get a word out before he smacked my ass again and I wanted to cry so bad but, I held it in and my face turned into a pout

"You done?" He said and I nodded and he let me go and I got off of him and he got up going into the bathroom

"Sit right there and don't move" He said and I nodded crossing my fingers behind my back

I slipped out of the bed finding a T- Shirt and some jogging pants and I ran downstairs and grabbed Trey's car keys off the counter.

I was just at the door when he was at the stair and I ran out, the house getting in his car. I locked the doors before he started banging on the car windows. I put the keys in and pulled off speeding home.

Wait till the crew hear about this shit. Trey got me fucked up on some levels.
Beyoncé P.O.V

I groaned walking to my door with only my panties and a big T- Shirt on and I opened the door. I sighed about to slam the door in his face when he stopped it with his foot and I groaned rolling my eyes.

"Will what the fuck do you want. You really bugging me and irritating the shit out of me." I said and he kissed his teeth

"I just got here damn bey. What the fuck is your problem" He yelled and I held my head damn my head hurts

"My damn problem is you. You fucked up my damn life, came into my life messed with my heart, played me, and then left me for some bitch that couldn't even compare to me." I yelled at him and a tear slipped down my face

He looked confused and I pointed to my pregnancy test on the coffee table

"I'm pregnant Will" I said and the silence filled the room
K. Michelle P.O.V

I walked into the restaurant and Alex sat at the table and I took off my shades sitting at the table. He took off his shades and I looked around making sure no one was following us.

"Bitch what is you looking around for, we at McDonald ain't nobody coming for us" He said and I rolled my eyes

"So what this nigga do, let me know cuz he can get the cut, the fire, the gunning down, snip snip. What is it?" He said and I had my mug on my face ready to tell Alex the story and I told him and explained it to him

"This nigga basically kidnapped me. I'm like I see his ass everywhere, saw you at the strip party for Drake and then I see you at my job. Is this nigga stalking me or something?" I said and Alex shook his head

"Hell no let me see his ass here. We gone have some problems" Alex said and some pregnant girl who seemed to be 5 or so months old and a small little boy and some hood rat Instagram bitch

"Can we help you?" I said looking back at Alex to see he had the same expression and I turned back to them confused

"Yes in fact you can." She said and I had looked around for a minute and pointed at me and she nodded

"And...that is?" I said cocking my head to the side

"You bitch slept with my husband" I stood up looking around um tf

"Wait first you got me fucked up. Hoe I am not a bitch, I see you can't even be a woman and come to me being professional and second of all who the fuck you talking to. Ima need you to low ya damn voice with me and third of all who are you talking about?" I said

"Bitch my husband Aubrey you know who I'm talking about" She said and I mentally sighed in my head and the hoe friend looked at Alex looking him up and down with a mug

"Bitch can I help yo stiff old downgraded weave. I do hair, I can get you help" Alex said looking her up and down and she didn't even know what to say back

"Don't know what your talking about and I don't know who you are. Come on Alex" I said grabbing my purse and we began walking towards the door

"Bitch ain't over yet. I know you got something to do with Aubrey" She said and I flipped her off and walked out of McDonalds

"Kim you lucky I ain't pop off that ugly ass hoe. Fucking weave need to breath, it was asking for me to help it" Alex said and I laughed

"You right it was screaming. I just don't know what I'm going to do about this baby mama drama and Trey coming into my life." I said as we stopped at my car

"Listen you should talk to Aubrey about everything no fucking just talking. Trey you need to talk to him tell him to hop off your clit. Alright boo, I gotta go my man supposed to be taking me out tonight" Alex said and I hugged him bye and we went our separate ways

Beyoncé P.O.V

"What the fuck you mean you pregnant?" He yelled at me and I began to cry putting my head down and he wrapped his arms me and I screamed

"Don't touch me. You messed up everything" I cried to him but he continued to hug me and he kissed the top of my head

"I fucking hate you" I said and he kissed my face looking at my pouty sad face

"I love you" He said and I kept trying to push him away but he held me closer

"Let me hold you" He said and I got even more pissed off

"Go suck a dick" I said and he kissed me shutting me up and after a while he pulled away and picked me up and took me upstairs and he laid with me on my bed

"Will..." He cut me off

"Go to sleep baby girl" He said and I closed my eyes falling asleep in

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