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K. Michelle P.O.V  (NOT EDITED Sorry)

December 10th


It's been awhile and Aubrey hasn't been talking to me at all, come to think about it he hasn't talked to anyone.

Tonight we are suppose to go to some little party for work and he still hasn't said one word to me or Ava.

Ava even cried begging for her daddy to play with her or even just talk to her. Sadly still not one word.

I applied my lip gloss and I looked myself up and down wearing my black short dress, with my diamond high heels, and my diamond clutch.

I walked out our bedroom to greet a quiet Aubrey again and he was dressed nice in his tux. I smiled at him and he just looked at me with no emotion.

"Aubrey please" I begged him walking up to him pulling on his sleeve and he just walked away going towards the door and I sighed following him and we left out


We walked in and all eyes were on us, and everyone clapped as we walked through the party. The atmosphere felt weird and it was making me second guess even coming here.

"Aubrey" I said faintly and he bent down to my height and I whispered in his ear

"Something doesn't seem right, I don't think we should be here" He rolled his eyes slightly and I stopped walking shocked at his actions and he looked back at me as he kept walking and faced towards taking a drink

3 hours later....

I wasn't drunk, I was bored, and very creeped out. I felt like someone was watching me and I became scared. I begged for Aubrey to take me home but, he wouldn't listen he was too drunk. He was sipping on some henny surround around groupies and it hurt me the way he was acting towards me. I couldn't take it anymore so, I got up and went to the bathroom.

Once I made it I made sure no one was there and I pulled a pill out of my clutch and I popped it in my mouth letting it down with a little of water from the sink. I had anxiety once in a while so it helps relax me. Once it finally went down, I breathed in and out and held my head down. I felt like I was going insane, I could barley breath and I kept breathing in and out.

"Oh Kimberly don't you think you need to stop pill popping." I heard a female voice and it sounded very familiar and I turned around to see Jessica

I remember her I used to work with her at King of Diamondz, her and Taz use to be a cute little bonnie and Clyde around the club. Thinking she ran everything and I guess when Taz met me, he forgot all about her.

I mean it wasn't like Taz cheated on her with me, Taz had been cheating on her with the other girls in the club. I never even gave Taz the time of the day when I first came into the club.

But that changed when we we're just friends with benefits, using each other for sex. Then when I went through my emotionally phase, when Aubrey left for karrchue I clung onto him. Now, I don't fuck with Taz ever since that incident.

"Jessica what are you doing here?" I asked her confused and she looked me up and down in disgust

"Bitch you know why I'm here, I want revenge and so do a couple of my little friends. We are so tired of your hoe ass coming in the picture of our perfect relationship, and stealing our man." She said and I was confused

"We? Our? Who else is in on this little petty funny bullshit." I asked in a laugh

"Bitch keep laughing. Won't think shit funny when you lying dead on this bathroom floor" She said pulling out a gun and I panicked

"Hold up. Jessica you don't have to do all of this..." I was cut off when a gun shot when off and my body went numb

All I did was look down and I put my hand on my chest. Blood came slowly oozing out, and I fell to the ground and everything came flashing before my eyes.

Aubrey P.O.V

I was smoking on a joint when I felt a hand wonder down my chest, thinking it was Kim I smiled and when I looked up I was surprised to see it was Rihanna.

"You missed me baby?" She said with a devilish smile and the liquor and my high mixed perfectly making me fall right under her trap

"Yeah I missed my Caribbean Queen" I said smiling like I was a damn fool

"Come on papi let's go" She said sedately and helped me up trying to hurry and get out and then I heard a loud gunshot and then a few seconds later it was followed by a scream

I turned back to see people fleeing out and the police sirens and then screams and yells. I was confused and I heard the club owner and another girl talking.

"What the hell is going on?" The owner asked

"Ion know some girl was found shot on the ground. It was right after that gunshot, and after a couple seconds me and my friend rushed to the bathroom. Tryna figure out what was going on, and that's when my friend screamed and shit went down." She said

"You know who it was?" He asked

"I think she used be some singer or dated someone. Her name K. Michelle..." And that's all I had to hear and broke from Rihanna and ran to the bathroom to find Kim still on the ground and everyone standing around her

I picked her up and I started crying screaming holding her close to me.

"Baby girl please stay awake for me, Ava needs you, I need you. I love you please just stay with me..." I cried and then the police busted in with the ambulance

They checked for her pulse and without saying anything, they put her on the bed rushing her out. A police man came up to me and asked me a few questions stopping me from going after her and I started going crazy screaming.

I felt like I had just lost everything...


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