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IT'S A RANT... that got has nothing to do with the story.


forgive me?

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Involuntary movements 

Involuntary actions 

Involuntary gestures 

 Things like this were so beautiful that It could make a person so happy in a very random moment. 

It could plaster a smile on a persons face when encountered one of these 


A light touch to a someone's cheek 

Opening a door for someone 

Resting a hand on her lower back 

Holding hands while talking and walking at the same time 

Running circles on persons skin with your thumb 

Wrapping your arm on a persons shoulder or waist 

Leaning against someone 

Talking everything and anything whenever 

Small smiles that shows when your eyes connect 

Catching yourself hugging a person for the crave of connection 

Surprise kisses because you just felt like it. 

Things like these were only some of the enormous involuntary actions that could serve a person into cloud nine. 

And it just wasn't for the sake of sparks for romance... 

The tingles it sends enhance the feeling of acceptance and being cared about. 

The thought of being needed could electrified a persons sincerity into openness and trust. 

It builds a person.

But like what reality really is all about, it also consist an ugly side. 

Involuntary actions 

It is a two way process 

As we all know, It is not a chocolate and roses kind of thing. 

It could build a person, yes. 

However, it could also be the reason for a persons downfall. 


There were no words given, but the annoyed look into your eyes were evident. 

The momentary cold shoulders 

The lack of sensitive words for an unfortunate friend 

The feeling you send to someone like they are a bother. 

A disturbance. 

Acting like you don't care when been told a news for someone's success 

Leaving a person in need of someone's comfort for an unnecessary plans 

The tone you use like you rather be doing something worth of your goddam time. 

It breaks people 

It kills people 

It hurts people 

A friend, a sibling, a lover, family, parents... 

Young and old 

Rich and poor 

Popular and loner 

There is nothing in between 

There were no exemption 

Everyone is in the game involuntarily 

it's a one hell of a crazy ride 

Hold on. 

Just hold on. 

And if the bottle cannot withhold it further. 

Choose the most appropriate moment, 

And crash that glass in the most fucked up way. 

Then live again. 


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