Ch. 4 - Friends- NOT.

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Sophie's POV




Sexy- don't judge.


Son of a bi-

Sophie, calm. Don't bring his innocent mother into this. I scolded myself. Argh! but no. How did he think he was?! I don't even know his name and he's acting like I would be on my knees and worship him. Yeah, he's a little- oh, don't fool yourself!. Okay, he is the most gorgeous man I ever saw. But that almighty attitude of his ruined his physical perfection! And to even think that in all things he could first say to me as soon as got alone, he choose that?!

I continued to walk my way to school as I kept on my internal rant. Successfully ignoring everything around me, especially the 2-door black mustang that dutifully follows my pace. You could guess who is the driver of this mouthwatering Hennessy.

"Sophia! Get in the car!" he roared, obviously getting frustrated to the silent treatment I was sending him. We've been on this for about 7 minutes, it actually took him 3 minutes to snapped from his shock and followed me after. Now we're here.

I'm mad. I'm confused. I'm tired. And I'm hungry. Definitely the worst combo to have on a school morning. I blame my mom and cassy for forcing me on that party. Oh, and lets not forget the asswipe that still commanding me to get in his vehicle. I mean, why would I? yeah, seems my mother trusted him, but I don't.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, snapping me back to reality. Before I could react to the sudden movement, I felt myself being hoist up in a caveman manner and been thrown inside the mustang. Everything happened so fast that before I even comprehend to run out, the guy was already on his seat and drove his car in a life threatening speed, leaving me completely speechless.

"What the hell?!" I shrieked. "This is kidnapping!" I continued, outranged.

"This is me giving you a ride to school." he answered in a deadly quiet voice. "Stop over reacting!" He's right. But wow, if I wasn't so furious I may be scare to his current attitude. but before I could answer him, he continued. "So much for welcoming back a childhood friend." he grumbled, but a ghost of smile could be seen on those lips of his.

"What are you on about?" I guess he heard the uncertainness in my voice. He looked at me like I was a puzzle he don't know how to solve, then slowed his devil speed and went into a curb for a stop. He unfasten himself on his seatbelt and turned his body to face me completely. "Why are you acting like this?" now, his question completely threw me off guard.

"Do you expect me to cry in happiness when you manhandled me to go in your Hennessy?!"

"You know cars?" his eyes showed wonder. Distracting me on a second.

"That's not the point! You're unbelievable!"

"See! that's what I'm talking about!"

"What?" I snapped, exasperated. Man, its so hard to talk to this man.

"The way you're acting towards me!"

"Acting like what?!"

"Like you don't know me!"

"Well mister new neighbor, guess what! I don't!" I exclaimed, making his eyes go wide in shock. Then seconds later, his expression totally brought unexpected guilt in me. His eyes showed hurt, for a moment I swear I could see tears on it, threatening to fall. His posture went from stiff to defeated. And before I could comprehend anything, he talked in a low, understanding, but broken tone.

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