Ch. 45 - DAY FIVE

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Sophie's POV

The line went off.

For a few seconds, I let the line tone go through my hearing. Not believing what did he just do.

He hung up on me.

Right after I admitted the feelings that I'm so scared to tell to anyone.

"I'm such an idiot." I hissed and groaned to myself while putting both of my hands on my heating face. "Why?" I asked solemnly to myself, unable to swallow my reckless words of confession.

What if he wasn't into that kind of commitment?

He strongly went after me so he probably like me, right? Oh my Nutella cakes, what if I'm just being so full of myself? What if he found someone better suited him in the pack?



He's a great man with great features and sensitivity.


Impossible. He wasn't a type of man to jump to other opportunity while we're still hanging.

Hold up Sophia Dennise Frost.

There's no 'we'! There's no 'us'! Why am I thinking like we're together?!

Groaning further, I pushed my face in the pillow at the audacity of my actions. I would understand if he doesn't feel the same way. Majority of people doesn't fall in love in matter of months. Is it?

This is not Disney. And I am certainly not a Disney princess.

Man, my Disney movie will traumatize children.

Freaking cakes, why am I useless in this field?

is this a rejection? The stuck of thought made me sit up, kind of wanting to throw up.

The bitter word made a lump in my throat. No no no. No Sophie, don't you dare cry! I bit the insides of my cheeks to prevent myself to wallow in the dark thoughts. Hating the idea that I pushed to myself.

Out of desperation and denial of rejection, I grabbed my phone again, looked through my call logs, hoping that the call was just a terrible random dream.

And of course, it was recorded in the log history. Bright and clear.

"Argh!" I cried. Literally. Failing to stop the tears as one successfully managed to escape.

As stupid as it sounds, I clicked the said log history and erased the evidence, thinking that by doing so, the thing that just happened... didn't really happened.

Man, I'm so weak.

I didn't catch even a wink of sleep after that, thankful to my ghost-like presence, I managed to give myself the liberty to cook a breakfast even if a blood-drooling monster is staring at me at the kitchen window.

I was so determined on forgetting, that I just realized I almost beat Jason's record as I found the kitchen table filled with breakfast related dishes. I surpassed the mountain on pancakes with a bunch of bacons and eggs, vegetable salad for Vicky, a series of fruits that was cut into perfection and other things that could probably fill the stomach of 12 soldiers. Oh look, I even accidentally made butter-grilled asparagus rolled with bacon.

The only thing is, I found myself not wanting eat any of those. Huh at least, I found out that I'm not a stress-eating kind of person.

But it looks like I turn into a Gordon Ramsay when depressed.

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