Ch.1 - Sophie Frost

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Sophie's POV

The blasting music of my alarm woke me up.

I wish.

It would be hard to believe, but what really woke me up is the continuous knocking of a faceless monster on the glass of my window.

Maybe in the eyes of a human being, seeing this kind of thing would be enough to terrify the living shit out of them. But in my case, all I could think about is the annoyance on fact that this thing woke me up in an ungodly hour. I knew the feeling being terrified, I still do on some occasions, but I grow used to it.

When I was a kid, I used to cry every day and night when I encounter one of it. I still remember when the monsters only stare at me in a frightening way. But as I get older their number also multiplied, some of them even managed to touch me. Unfortunately, I never learned to touch them so I could fight fair.

Who am I kidding.

Fair fight? me against these numerous monsters?

The knocking of the faceless monster snapped me back to the reality. I turned my head to the side to see that its still consistent on what its doing. I sighed and sat up to glare at it with all negativeness I could send. Though I doubt it could see me, since it doesn't have any tools for sight.

"Wow. Aren't you getting tired of that?" I said to it with sarcasm dripping with my voice. I know it's weird to talk to these creatures but whatever, right? I got up on my feet and grabbed some shirt and jeans for today.

I don't know why, but thankfully, the monsters seems to cannot go inside my house. Which of course concludes that my house is the safest place in the whole universe. And I mean it like this house is my sanctuary. But for some unfortunate reason, I need to step out of my beloved sanctuary.

"SOPHIE! WAKE UP! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE IN YOUR FIRST DAY OF CLASS AREN'T YOU!" my mom shouted, making me jump in suprise. And yes, it's first day of school, that's the unfortunate reason. It's quite funny on how my mother could surprise me in every way than to the hideous monsters that always crept around me. Literally.

"I'm up. I'm up." I answered to prevent her to burst in my door and drag me out. I applied my finishing touches on my face which is the lip balm and a little amount of concealer to hide my dark circle from the lack of sleep. No thanks to you faceless monster.

Speaking of, I looked at my window and happily saw that the said creature is gone. There are some small ones floating around the vicinity but I could handle that. But what really caught my full attention is the moving truck that is parked at the side of our neighbor house. I guess there's a new people in town.

No shit sherlock!

I rolled my eyes on my own sarcasm and decided went downstairs to grab a breakfast and run along to hell- i mean, school. As soon as I stepped on the last step of the stair I was welcomed by my frantic mother who seems to be late at her work. Again.

"Mom, I got my breakfast. Just go to work." I said as I walk in the kitchen and grabbed some ingredients for an edible sandwich.

"Are you sure?!" she asked, but she's already standing on the exit doorway. A small smile flashes on my lips as I thought on how much like a teenager my mother is.

"yes, mom. Take care!" I called out as I heard her footsteps running away. I finished my meal and grabbed my bag and a hoodie.

As you can imagine, my fashion sense is in the lazy category. I know it's first day of school and whatnot, but the thing is, I don't care.

I want to be in my most comfiest clothes when the monsters decided to be more physical on their pestering. I'm not exactly a loner, but some still labelled me as weird girl due to my 'clumsy' ways (which really caused by the random pushes that the monsters give) and daydreaming habit (but what's really happening is that I'm staring at a monster).

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