Ch. 38 - Face the Scene!

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Sophie's POV

I trudge my way to the open field of my school. Groups of people and line of food stalls welcomed my view- even a few monsters is idling, probably looking for me- or they actually have the humor to socialize like a normal being.. In summary, nothing caught my attention as my mind wonders to what I just did.

Did I overreact?

I don't particularly feel bad or good. Hell! in all honesty, I actually feel numb. However the conflicted look of the Alpha, the only time that I caught him vulnerable is a clear stab in me. It became my wakeup call. Now I realize that Nate never shows his vulnerable side without wanting it himself.

In simple terms, unlike to what I believe on having known his whole personality, he is actually selectively self-guarded around me.

Doesn't he trust me enough?

It is depressing to realize this kind of things about the person I like because me too is slowly becoming like him. Too Guarded, and too calculated. A combination of things I never wanted to be when I'm with him.

Yet as martyr as it sounds, I just wish for him to show even a one single act of anything. A single act that would give me a reason to blindly follow his lead again.

And now that I caught him at an unexpected moment, every impact changes.

"You came!" A girlish shriek invaded my personal bubble, I felt a hand to latch on my arm before my sight met the fiery green eyes of my best friend.

"Sorry, I got caught up." I mumble loud enough for her to hear.

"By who?" she asked teasingly before adding a suggestive wink. If I wasn't so down about what just crossed between the Alpha and I, I would probably release a fake frown and roll my eyes on the silly thoughts of the crazy girl beside me.

But I am, so in return I just smiled. Yet royally failed as I felt it strained. Cassy, despite being a loud obnoxious chic she was, caught my moment of slip as her eyes widen in alarm. She took a step closer to me, looking at me in a stern yet worried expression on her face.

Luck, however, is on my side at the moment as the warning bell rung, igniting the upcoming game was heard from the speakers, preventing her to interrogate me to whatever is bothering her best friend.

Thankfully, a friend of Cassy reserved a good seat for us, so the hassle of standing up is avoided. Good, cause I do not need another dumper in my trashy mood.

Less than 10 minutes later, the rival groups went out wildly at the open field, sending the audience into a sort of roaring screams. And for once today, I laughed.

No it's not because of the hyper aura of the majority, it's because of their sudden cheers sent the monsters to the highest scare of their life as they shook and jumped from the impact of the humans' cheers.

And they said that the mortals were freaking scared from the unknown creatures.

Unfortunately, I forgot a pretty major thing about this game. Okay, I see Cole and Mason, and from the cheers of my schoolmates, it seems that they're doing a great job on their team. But I just don't know what the game is all about.

Un-athletic person problem.

Pushing the thoughts of the Alpha seems to be working at first as I watched my friends tackle other people. But as the ignorance from the game dominated my attention, the unwanted thoughts were crashing once again.

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