Ch. 32 - Unreasonably Insecure

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Sophie's POV

Daddy was running while cradling me in his arms. He was panting and groaning over the twigs that come on his way, but he kept moving forward. Forward and forward. Disregarding the fact that my little arms are squeezing his neck in fear as my eyes are wide, hoping to see what we are running away from. But it was already too dark.

"Daddy..." I whimpered. "It's scary."

Despite his labored breathing, he still replied. Doing his best to sound soothing. "Don't worry, baby. Daddy's got you."

I believed him... too young and too oblivious to understand the truth that has been chasing my fate.

- - - - -

"No ambushing. No power intimidation. And no following me!" I pleaded and stared straight to the brooding Alpha in front of me. All rigid and scowling.

"Can't I at least call you every 30 minutes?" he negotiated.

"No. You can only message me though."

"You're so unfair." He grumbled and laid to my bed as if he owned it.

It was few weeks after my hangout session with Alex. So far, nothing exciting happened.

Okay, I lied.

Aside from the usual monsters around, I told Nate and to my siblings that Alex has the same ability as me. Nate cursed himself for forgetting it; he said that he was so used to Alex's low profile presence that it slipped his mind.

I smell bullshit.

Getting tired from their constant bickering, I let the three adult to make a decision while I drown my free time with Jason and his heavenly dishes. Few days after, Nate and I got home and found Alex casually lounging on my living room with Levi and Vicky.

Later I found out that Alex was appointed to teach me to control my abilities, given that he was the one with the background from all this magical occasions.

However, it's just have been a few weeks, so the outcome is still blurry.

What I didn't share to any of them, is the weird feeling I got when I was with Alex. It wasn't alarming bad or anything, it was actually pleasant. But words fail me to describe the momentary connection that I felt. And besides, only once have I felt that. So I wasn't so sure if it came from the older Mclein or the monsters that are present that day.

Which I highly doubt. I'm not that dumb to know the fact that I will never feel pleasant to a monster. Possessed or not.

Okay, now going back to the present... the jealous Alpha is on the roll once again.

For the past weeks, Cole and I were actively collecting materials for our project outside, which Nate like it better. But then, I found out that he was following us. Creeping like a stalker as he is, using poor little Jason as a props as if he was 'taking him on a walk'.

Let's just say that he begged to be talked again. Not that I was giving him a silent treatment, I still talk to him. But with a 3 meters distance between us.

Presently, Nate and I just came back home, and I told him that I need to go to Cole's house for the continuation of the project making. I'm not asking his permission if that's what you think. I was simply informing him and my siblings the plans that I have for the precautions needed when I go out.

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