Ch. 20 - Sandwich and Distraction

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Sophie's POV

He looks older than me, but certainly younger than Nate. The way his eyes twinkled in delights as soon his eyes landed at Nate, the relaxed posture he's sporting, even the carefree smile he sends to us doesn't give away the fact that he's the older brother!

He was literally bouncing on his steps when Nate showed up!

"I didn't know you were coming." Nate said in monotone, he glanced down at me and did a quick check if I was injured or something- his routine whenever he sees me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and just pointedly directed my attention to his older brother in front of us.

"Surprise!" his brother called enthusiastically and then frowned a little after. "Where are your manners, Nathan!" he said disapprovingly with a little shake of his head before continuing, "Aren't you gonna re-introduce us to each other?" he asked as he waved his hand on my direction.

"You could do it yourself." Nate grumbled, I want to jamb my elbow to his side for being so rude to his brother. But I knew that I'll be the one to hurt in the end so I refrained.

"Of course!" His brother said with an excited smile and a clap with his hands. He directed his eyes on me before his smile turned into a shy one. "I'm so sorry about earlier. As what this brat said, I'm the older- and hotter brother, Alexander. But please, just call me Alex." He said with a smile that could light up the whole Asia.

"I hope you remember me?" he asked with glee and hopefulness that could resemble a puppy to its owner, it almost broke my heart for the obvious negative answer I would say to him. But before I could even respond, the possessive Alpha did the liberty to do so.

"No she doesn't."

"I would really appreciate it, if you would let me talk." I snapped before looking at his brother but found its smile nowhere to be seen. He looks dejected and looking at me and Nate with worry and loss on his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, unable to form any words that would be suitable at the moment. "But I'm glad to meet you. I'm Sophia Frost."

He smiled slightly as he nodded. "I know, Sophie. I remember everything even my brother's excessive infatuation to you." He teased, effectively making my blood rush to my face.

"This is nice and all but we're going home." Nate said and pulled me to the exit without so much goodbye.

"See you both around!" Alex quickly called with an enthusiastic expectation lacing in his voice.

I looked back to his brother to send a quick apologies but he just grinned and waved his hand before turning around and walking to the opposite direction.

- - - - -

All throughout the drive, my phone almost exploded from the messages and missed calls from Cassy and Vicky even though I already told them that I went home with Nate.

My sister even called him and without having any enhanced hearing senses, I could tell every single word she yelled to him. His face was scrunched up and his phone was a foot away from his ears. And of course, the speaker is not on.

In summary, she's just annoyed by the fact that Nate didn't help them to engage me at shopping.

"That really hurts." He said as soon as he hung up the call. He was rubbing the damaged ears with a disgruntled expression that wants to make me sympathize with him.

So I did.

"Aww, did the big bad Alpha almost lost his hearing?" I cooed. He sent me a playful glare before a small smile crept to his face as I gently rubbed the said ear.

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