Ch. 43 - Impatiently Weird

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Sophie's POV

"Please, my princess, take good care of yourself while I'm gone. I'll be back as soon as I can to give you all the care you deserve." he said as I nodded submissively. "I'll be the one to love and to protect you, my Angel." He whispered as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

It's been three days.

Did you ever have that urge to teleport to a certain someone to strangle that person just for the sake of it?

That's an understatement of what I want to do to the Alpha based from what I'm currently feeling.

I'm not aiming to sound too clingy, but not a single form of communication has been passed to me ever since they flee from this humble town, and it's seriously making me closer to insanity.

I want to announce that I'm not a weak being, and refrained myself from sending a message, but I would be lying. Big time.

I did not only send him a message asking if they got there okay, I called him, twice, which both went to voicemail. And now, I want to bury my phone somewhere so I could not do another thing that would lead to another silence.

I sent the messages with confidence and care. But with him not bothering to reply and all? Sorry for being a selfish girl, but that is a huge punch to my ego.

Because, not receiving a message is also a message itself, they said.

Well, he always said that he was far from being a prince charming.

I shook my head and continue to listen and write down notes as the teacher continues to explain things about the Dominican era. The distractions against the paranoia is not working, but still, I kept on pushing. Letting myself be sickening optimistic and understanding to what the Alpha was going through right now.

The vibration of my phone caught my attention, fishing it, I used the typical student skill to see from whom the message from. Oh, it was from a Mclein alright, the older brother that is.

*Ice cream. –A*

A moment of confusion spread over me, but a click of understanding down on me as I refrained from laughing. Although, a smile never failed to come out.

*Sure. –S*

*I'm not asking, but okay. C u after class :) –A*

Smiling to his nature, I went back to learning zone- or pretending, at least- with a lighter mood.

The remaining time went normal and light after that, keeping the fact that a certain werewolf occupies my mind, I went and made through the day. Until, I was with Cassy as she talks about the incoming movies that she wanted to watch while putting her things on her locker, a certain girl in a neat bun and plain round-ish glasses approached me.

"Uhm, Miss Frost?" she timidly said in her little quiet voice. She almost sounded like squeaking mouse. She was more or less at the same height as me, which made me smile at her direction.

Don't judge. I like people who knew the struggle of being small.

"Sophie." I corrected her earlier endearment with a smile. "I sound old with that formal thing." Her eyes widen as she nodded her head. I waited patiently as I see her looking nervous and hesitant.

She was hugging the book over her chest as if it was her shield. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it again, this went on for a few times. Somehow, I find her shyness amusing, so my patience is not wearing.

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