Ch. 27 - It's raining men!

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Sophie's POV

All throughout the drive, my mind was buried in Cole's dangerous on point perception. His logical thinking, the sole of his being a human, gives us an advantage to blur his gut instincts.

I know that Nate's presence as an Alpha is too strong that even the clueless humans could feel his dominating power. Yet it could only intimidate them to him, not to the point that they would lead to a theory which could lead to what he really is.

How did Cole manage to perceive such thoughts?

"Welcome to my humble home." Cole announced as he killed the engine.

I looked at my side and found a 2-storey very American house. It was colored with white, majority which mixed with a navy blue roof that gave a little edge at its appearance.

We walked inside with him just barging in, while me behind is still gazing at the details of the house. It's beautiful and contemporary.

However, it doesn't give off the feeling of home like Nate's did.

Sophia, stop right there.

Then as soon as I snapped myself back to reality, a beautiful woman in an apron walked in to our presence. Her hair is in a clean bun, I could see a minimum make-up and a few lines on her face. Her whole being screamed sophistication. And still gorgeous, I tell you.

"Cole." She said with a smile before her eyes shifted to me with an energetic gleam into it. "And who is this beautiful lady?"

Cole released a low chuckle before kissing her cheek and gesturing towards me. "This is Sophie, my English lit partner." He said and then continued while directing his words to me. "Sophie, my mother." He said casually before walking in the living room.

Seriously? Oh my gosh, she is the ultimate mother goal!

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Anderson." I said with a smile, but she only frowned at me in a very distasteful manner.

"Only an English lit partner?" she asked with a tone I couldn't name.

"Yeah?" Cole answered unsurely as he came back with his bag gone.

"Can't she be your girlfriend instead?" she asked and faced her son who is wide eyed and his mouth is almost hanging open, probably mirroring my current expression.

"A- a what?" he stuttered, my mouth couldn't comprehend anything else to say. Who says something like that in a first meeting?

"You'll look like a beautiful couple." She squealed before facing me and giving me a hug which I awkwardly returned.

"Mom! We're not like that! At all." Cole cried and looking at me in an apologetic way. I only smiled back in assurance, but still shocked at what's happening.

"Why not?" his mother asked. "She is so pretty." She whined and cupped my face with both of her hands.

"Mom! You're scaring her." Cole said and pulled her away from me.

"Dear, call me mom from now on." She stated towards me. Almost cracking me up on the process.

"Uhm-" I tried to say but got cut off with a redder faced Cole

"Mom, no. Sophie, just call her Kelly." He said which I nodded to.

"Fine." Mrs. Anderson huffed, and believe me, it's one of the cutest sight that you could see in a mother, excluding the weird things she blurted earlier. "Okay kids, you'll be doing a project right? You could work in Cole's room, and you can close and lock the door."

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