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*An hour before Sophie's disastrous encounter with the possessed*
I nearly jumped out of my seat as soon as I parked my car in the garage in my new house. Actually, it wasn't exactly new. My family owned this for generations; we just maintained the structure to in case of needed precautions. I walked through its garden and smile as I remembered on how I first met her- wait.
I instantly turned around and walked out of my property. My feet moving on its own, fast and determined, but I don't have a problem with it. I want to see her as soon as I can. I'm well aware that I'm over excited right now, but who could blame the hopeless fool?

However, as I reached their front door, ready to knock and to re-introduce myself. The darkness of the sky reminded me of the late hour, causing me to hesitate. The house is quiet, they're may be asleep already. But I promised myself that I would see her today no matter what. But I might disturb them and could lead in an ugly scene. But if she sees me, there might be a possibility that she might remember me. Yes, that way she'll understand why I showed up in creepy time of the night. But the point was already said, it's so late that if I showed up, she might see me as a creepy and clingy psycho-
My internal rant seemed to manage to consume a lot of time as the front door was hastily opened, revealing a familiar wise looking woman. She was grinning at me, while I'm too shocked to process anything, I didn't noticed that my right hand was still fisted and positioned as if I'm ready to knock. I quickly pulled my hand down as soon as I did though, this stupid act cause the woman to giggle, making me more embarrassed. "Son, do you realized that you've been standing there for almost 15 minutes?" Seriously? Great.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Frost. And please refrain from suddenly opening up your front door to the strangers." I said as soon as I composed myself. But damn, patronizing her mother as soon as I opened my mouth seemed to be such a smooth move. Way to have a good impression, mighty one!

Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she gently took hold of my hand. "But you're not a stranger." She said with a warm smile, her motherly aura is reeking with vengeance. "Welcome back."

- - - - -

Being remembered by her mother gave great hope to me that my Angel would may also remember me. It fueled my need to see her which led me on the verge of pure happiness. But it was all crushed down when her mother delivered exasperating news that made me run like a wild beast that I am.

"You remembered me." I muttered in relief, making her smile to widen. "Of course, how could I ever forget the boy who vowed to protect my youngest daughter?" she teased, but the gratefulness is visible on her eyes. I just answered her with an assured smile and nodded.

"Is she's still awake? I don't want to push my luck, but I really want to see how she's doing." I tried my best to sound polite, but from the amused expression from her confirmed me that I failed miserably. Who am I kidding? Even I could hear the desperation in my voice.

"I'm sorry, hon. but she's on a night out for tonight."
"But- why- doesn't she have a school tomorrow?"
"Yes, but Sophie's self-isolation is really worrying me. Please understand that I rather chose her to have fun with her friends, than to see the lifelessness in her eyes." She explained hurriedly, her defense mechanism showing. She may or may not felt the bitter change on my mood, making her aware on my capabilities. She may not know who or what really I am, but this doesn't hinder my dominance to reveal its company to her. 

Now I'm running like my life was depends on it. I couldn't blame her mother; she doesn't know anything about things that science couldn't explain. And she's clearly oblivious to the monsters that lingered around her daughter. She doesn't know anything.

But that didn't calm my protectiveness, my anxiety for her safety. And the increasing number of the monsters around doesn't help my inner turmoil. I could feel them getting stronger, their growing aggressiveness, and their undeniable thirst. Time is running, hell would break loose, but I'm positive that as long as she's in my arms, no creature would live before they could even think of harming her.

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