Ch. 39 - Misconception

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"Mom's calling us down for dinner." Vicky softly announced as she stood at the threshold of my room.

"Okay." I murmured back, not wanting to use a higher volume in fear that my critical coloring may be ruined if my concentration broke.

"Don't hold the crayon too hard, baby. You don't want to snap it in two." My brother guided beside me before facing our waiting sister. "We'll be going down as soon as she finish this." I heard him say.

"That would take centuries, Levi." She groaned.

"She's almost done."

I tuned them out as I followed my brother's suggestion and traced the pencil lines with color blue using full determination. Mr. Softie is lying down beside us, probably tired from waiting for me. But he is used to this, so he doesn't nag.

With my brother's great suggestions, I really completed my latest art in no time. Excited to show it to my parents, I squealed as I grabbed Mr. Softie before running down the stairs with my worried older brother gushing nervously behind me.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what I made!" I announced as I jumped from the last step.

"Jesus! Careful, Sophie!" I heard my brother cry as I skipped my way toward the dining room.

"What is it, little girl?" daddy asked as he looked down on me with a smile matching my excited one. I hold up my paper and pointed at the colors as I plan to explain it to them. Because for some annoying reason, they can't guess my drawings correctly. Ever.

"Oh! That's a very nice drawing of a carrot!" Daddy praised before I could even speak. Making me frown as I double looked my drawing. Oblivious to my brother who is frantically motioning something to my father about shutting up.

"It's Mr. Softie, daddy." I murmured dejectedly.

"But Mr. Softie is a white dog." Vicky said, confused. Staring at the said stuffed toy that I'm holding.

"But I want to make him orange or brown so he could look like a lion." I explained as I jumped and wiggle a little so I could sit on my chair.

"I-I'm sorry, baby." Daddy said after he was softly nudged by mommy with her elbow.

"It's okay, daddy." I whispered as I picked up my fork, not lifting up my head as I hide the pout that I'm sure is evident.

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Damnation of cheesecakes.

Attempting to open my eyes while I bring my body forward, but a sensation of me being pushed back hinder my actions. My eyes snapped open from the action, thankful to the dim light at the familiar room of the Alpha.

I look straight and met my favorite pair of eyes, that is currently holds no emotion in them. He sits at the edge of his bed, leaving me at the center of the gigantic layer. No words was exchanged as the time pass by, making me antsy in the tension.

"Sorry." I croaked. Hissing at my horrible voice, I glanced at the bedside table, trying to look for a glass of water. Shaking his head, Nate understood my need but did nothing. Frowning, I let him to have his own solitude as he eyes stayed on my laying form.

"I disappointed you, again." He mumbled, almost to himself. I fully disagree to what he is saying, and no matter how a big biatch my alter ego is, I know she doesn't accuse him of anything.

Preventing from talking due to the scratchiness of my throat, I settled on slapping his arm. Being threw off guard from my action, he looked at me with amusement in his eyes as he met my stern look, leading me to mentally high five myself for the small effort to make the Alpha lose his self-loathing.

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