Ch. 17 - Pizza Party

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Sophie's POV

"Just swallow it." Nate whispered, encouraging me, as he softly patted my back with his hand.

I took a deep breath through my nose before pushing the punishing food down on my throat- which requires a lot of courage. I then immediately grabbed my glass of water to wash the unwanted taste.

I looked around the dining table and see that Levi, Jason and Nate were also forcing themselves to finish the food on their plate. Jason was almost the verge of tears, while Vicky, the oblivious culprit was sitting there looking at us with expectation shining in her eyes.

"I-it's have a unique taste." I mumbled. Gosh why did we forget the fact the Vicky couldn't cook to save her life?

"For crying out loud, Victoria, you need to stay away from the kitchen!" Levi exclaimed, unable to compress his discomfort. And as we expected, tears immediately pooled on her eyes as soon as Levi's words sink in.

She may be have a tendency to be a bad ass psycho, but tell a word about her cooking and she will sulk until you feel like the most insensitive human on the planet.

"You're an ungrateful brat." She spat in a broken voice as she stood up and walked out to the dining room. I'm used to her dramatics but if I would be given a chance to be unable to witness it, I would grab it without second thought.

Levi stood up and grabbed Vicky's forgotten plate with an uneaten food as he followed where our sister disappeared too.

"What's he doing?" Nate asked after chugging the water like it's his first time to drink it. "He's going to force Vicky to taste her own food for her to understand." Him and Jason looked at me in confusion, which I only shrugged too.

"It's Vicky, for sure she didn't took a sample taste to her own cooking and just went ahead and put everything she sees on the refrigerator." What I said made Jason take a double look to his plate in disgust on his cute features. Of course, being the meticulous child that he is, I expected him to react even more than that.

"Please don't let her step a foot on my kitchen, again" he whispered. "Noted." I agreed as I cleaned up the table. Nate stayed to his seat as he watches me do all the cleaning.

"A little help?"

"Later, I like the view right now." He slowly answered as he trailed his eyes down to my body.

"There's a kid in here." I whispered-yelled and sped up to gather the dishes on the table. "He's busy mourning to you sister's savage crime in his kitchen." He whispered back with a lazy smile forming on his face.

"That's not the point!" I walked hastily to the kitchen only to be followed by a persistent Alpha. A pair of arms snaked on my waist as soon as I put down the dishes in the sink. Shocks of electricity in my system followed his movements as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He breathes a sigh which only throw my mind away as it reached the side of my exposed skin.

"I'm hungry." He said huskily, effectively crumbling my logical thoughts. How I badly want to turn around and jump his bones. Heaven of nutella! When did you become this way, Sophia?!

I took a deep breath as I tried to ignored the way he tighten his hold on my waist, my back totally molding to his front. "Everyone of us is." I mumbled weakly, severely keeping my hold to the little rope of sane mind. "Go order a pizza or something." I finished with a much contained voice.

"Yeah?" he asked with the same low voice, his lips taking refuge on the back of my ear. His warm breath succeeding on putting my mind into shameless thoughts of what he could do to me in this kitchen. I gritted my teeth as I used my remaining energy to push him away.

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