Ch. 30 - Random Revelation

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Sophie’s POV

“Please, my princess, take good care of yourself while I’m gone. I’ll be back as soon as I can to give you all the care you deserve.” he said as I nodded submissively. “I’ll be the one to love and to protect you, my Angel.” He whispered as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

- - - - -

“Daddy!” I cheered as I heard the familiar engine of his car. Abandoning my coloring session, I grabbed mr. softie and ran out.

“Careful, baby girl.” My brother called as he nervously watched me ran down the stairs, too much giddiness was running over my system that I forgot a step making me slip ahead.

Mine and my brother’s cry of fear was cut short when a pair of strong arms caught me before my little form landed on the carpeted floor. Looking up, I beamed at the wide-eyed father of mine.

“Welcome home, daddy!” I greeted before hugging the living day lights out of him.

“I’m home, sweetie.” He breathes as he returned the embrace.

“Sophia Dennise! I told you to be careful!” I heard my angry brother reprimand.

I pouted at his direction, fearing his impending scolding. I tried to look at my father for help but he just pats my head adoringly. “Sorry, sweetie. Even I am scared at your big bro.” he whispered before making a dash to the kitchen where mommy is cooking.

Traitor. I mentally grumbled.
- - - - -

What would you do if you cheerfully opened your front door and was greeted by a very attractive man, bowing and kneeling in your sole presence?

Especially if this man is the older brother of the guy you kissed few days before?

Nothing. I did nothing.

Well, in the very least, my mind shut down completely.

“I completely, and willingly, submit to you, your highness.” Alex loudly said with a posh accent lacing his voice. I’m certain that this man is mental… a hilarious mental friend.

“W-what?” I tried to asked, but the sudden scenario made my word flew out on my brains.

Alex, still kneeling, sits up straight with a playful scowl sporting on his face as he directed his sight at something beside me. I leaned forward and almost jumped 4 feet ahead when I saw a frowning Nate leaning at the wall beside the front door.

I swear this guy is a ninja.

“Happy now?” Alex sarcastically asked his brother, who only grunted in return.

I set my sight back on Alex as he stood up and dusted some dirt on his blue jeans. He huffed and almost pouted in my direction.

“I swear, he never passed through the rebellious teenage phase.” He complained, leading me to release a chuckle as the confusion slowly slides off of me.

“What is this about?” I asked as I gestured the brother duo to come inside of the house. Of course, expect them to fight like children on who should through the threshold first.

“I want to take you out on a date-” Alex started to explain but stopped when Nate sent him a glare with a promise of murder. How did I manage to read his eyes is beyond me.

“I mean, just to hang out, ‘cause I’m bored.” He improvised, dragging the word ‘hang out’ in an incredibly childish way. “And before you ask, no, I refuse to bring my baby brother. He’s the epitome of boring!” he ended.

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