«1» A Big Kiss

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Inspired by: Instagram/creds to: @/stilesslydia

Lydia's been waiting for Stiles for hours. She has a glass of wine in her hand. She looks at it. On the transparent glass, she sees her ring finger wearing a round silver object with a diamond on it. It's her wedding ring. Yes. Stiles and Lydia are married but only for a year.

Today's their anniversary and Stiles promised he'd arrive as early as he could but it's already 8 pm.

Ding! Dong!

Lydia hears the doorbell to the front door ring. She sits up and walks to it. Opening it, she's greeted by her husband.

Stiles doesn't have a sorry face pasted on him but a smile. He looks like he's exhausted. And he's panting. Lydia looks at him puzzled completely unaware where her husband had been.

" Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting for hours for you. " she spit showers on him a little but Stiles only grins.

" I know. I am and I'm so sorry. "
" Sorry doesn't begin to cover it. " Lydia scolds him.

" Come on. I got something to show you. " Stiles takes his wife's hand softly and dragged him up to their newly bought floor above.

Lydia groans following him. " Honey, where the hell are we going? The only thing up there is that floor you bought. "

Stiles chuckles and kisses her cheek. " I like it when you're grumpy. "
Lydia pouts looking like angry cat. Stiles laughs. " Now, baby, close your eyes. "
Lydia crosses her arms. " Why? " she raises an eyebrow.
" Just do it. "

Lydia did what she was told. With her eyes closed, she heard the metal door sliding open then she felt Stiles' hand guiding her in. He heard Stiles turning on the lights. Stiles gets behind her so she won't fall on her back.

" Okay, baby, " he kissed her hair. " Open them. "

Lydia opens her eyes and gasped at the surprise.

That old and dusty room turned our to be looking like a big ballroom with lights hanging on the ceiling. Lydia was speechless.

" I promised you I'd get this room in handy. "
" But why? How? " Lydia stutters.
" We can do a lot of things to this room. We can sell it or turn- "
" We don't have a room yet. I mean, a bedroom, you know. "

Yes. They just bought the house and things have been moving slow with it until this.

" How much smartness can still get in that strawberry blonde head of yours? " Stiles says smiling.

Lydia giggles as she circles around.

" Aww, Stiles, this is so beautiful. Baby, I- "
" I love you too, Lydia Martin. "
" You deserve a big kiss. Come here. "

Then, Lydia grabs her husband's face and slams her lips in his creating a big kiss.


Hurray for my first part:D
Hope this was fine.
More to come!:)


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