«26» Luminaries

785 21 1

A Christmas Special! ❤

This is A BIT of a mature content. Lol.

Her feet climbed up the ladder. I wouldn't say it was an attic but somewhere close to that. She was in the highest floor of her new house. It wasn't that big nor too small but it was enough for her to adjust well and start a new beginning right before senior year. Yes. Lydia had decided with her mother for them to move in a much better community before she started her very important and big year of high school.

It was the first day for her at her new home. So, of course, she gave herself a little tour around the place. That was when something caught her eye. Her new house was different and odd. Lydia had found the attic when she found the hollow square door on the ceiling on the same floor of her new house. Lydia was happy she hadn't told her mom about it for she discovered something better than an attic. Just at the peak of the roof, there was another room above the attic that was spacious enough for a person to spend whole nights in. And the special part about it was that there was this big window on the ceiling making the celestial bodies look so beautiful in the view. The moonlight and stars would shine bright from the nightsky above.

Lydia hadn't told her mother about her little secret.

She waited until it was nighttime getting enough things ready. She had some food with her like ice cream, pizza and others. She also had flashlights. She had a bunch of pillows, sleeping bags and even a tent for her to have a little stargazing on her first day of her new home.

Lydia went inside the now fixed tent creating a small cushion that was enough to occupy the whole floor of the tent. The two sleeping bags were ready right below the big window. Food and beverages were ready inside the tent and so were the flashlights.

Her phone buzzed.

Lydia looked at the message which made her smile. Stiles.

Of course, Lydia told Stiles about her moving and he was the only one that knew about her secret. The one about the second room in the attic. Lydia had invited him to come over so they could spent the first night together at Lydia's new house together in secret.

When both of them successfully got to the attic without being caught, the pair started to have a bunch of talks about their current statuses and about how their high school life was doing. They spent most of their time in the tent laughing and messing with each other. Their flashlights were on and they needn't that much air for the peak of the house was so cold that both their toes were already freezing.

Lydia laughed at some joke Stiles had told her. " Oh, my God. Stop. Okay, my turn. Tell me your dirtiest little secret. " Lydia dared.

The two were playing truth or dare. It was the third game they had played that night and they had finished almost all the food Lydia had brought up for both of them. They were both lying in the sleeping bags with only half of their bodies inside the warmth.

" I wank every time in the bathroom after I pee. " Stiles said.


Lydia's eyes widened. Her eyebrows raised and she blushes deep tomato red as the image flashed in her mind.

Stiles saw her reaction. A smirk formed on his face before he laughed. " No, I'm totally kidding you. At least, not every time. "

Lydia exclaimed and tackled Stiles with painful smacks. It wasn't that painful for Stiles. Her hits were so small and adorable for him. He kept laughing.

"You're such a little masturbater!"
" It's not like you don't touch yourself too. "

Lydia was so red right now but she shook the feeling away and pulled Stiles' ear. Stiles screamed like a girl but laughed afterwards, anyway. Lydia pulled Stiles down in place and covered his mouth with her palm.

" Shh! You'll wake mom up. "

Stiles smiled and kissed her palm on his mouth making Lydia yank her hand away before Stiles placed a kiss on her nose. " Oh, I know how much you like my noisy personality. " Stiles smiled down at her locking their eyes as he leaned his forehead on hers.

Lydia squinted her eyes. " Noisy? As in, what kind of noise? " she asked him a dirty joke.

Stiles knew the message. " Every noise I make. " he answered.

Lydia laughed and pushed him causing him to fall on his back and on the cushion of the sleeping back. Stiles grunted in surprise before she was met up by Lydia hovering over him and kissing his lips. Stiles chuckled and welcomed her kisses pulling her into him more and kissing back.

The two giggled between kisses before they stopped and just stayed there with their foreheads leaning on each other and big smiles on their faces.

" Remember I love you. " Stiles said.

Lydia's opened her eyes as they sparkled with joy and love. Seeing Stiles with his eyes still closed and his mouth still curled in a smile. Lydia thought she could stay like this forever before she replied, " I remember. "

FVCCKKK. i killed my own feels. Bye.


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