«40» The Last Beginning

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A New Year special! ❤

Last one shot!:')

Everyone left their families, from their parties, their dates. It was all because of their little pack gathering on the last day of the year. It was their own alpha's idea, Scott, the true alpha. Their cars and bikes were parked under the moonlight. It was a reunion. Everyone hugged and welcomed each other. They missed each other so much. Everything they've been through? It was all over. They were all just memories flashing back on their minds. Others even showed tears on their eyes. They've all been through hell together. Everyone sat and looked at the world below them. The view was beautiful. They were waiting for the new year to come and for the fireworks. Everyone was there and by everyone, I mean EVERYONE. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Allison, Kira, Derek, Liam, Hayden, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Isaac and others. They were all there gathering and sitting on their asses, on the ground, their bikes and jeeps. Lydia leaning on Stiles and Stiles wrapping one arm arm around her. Stiles looked over and saw Scott smiling widely, happily and proudly at his best friend. Stiles smiled back happily. Ethan and Aiden playing with each other. Liam and Hayden and Mason and Corey cuddling to each other as well as Erica and Boyd. They all were so happy to be there with everyone. Smiles were everywhere. No more pain or suffering. Just peace. When midnight came, the fireworks started. All of them whooped and cheered happily. Scott smiled happily looking at everyone around him before he smiled to himself and thought of an idea. He howled happily. Everyone looked at him. Malia followed howling after then Liam and Isaac and everyone else joined in the howling even Stiles and Lydia. They all howled. Happily. Watching the fireworks. Altogether. On new year.

They made it.

And that was my last one shot:) This was always my series finale imagination! OMG. I can't even<\333 I hope you all liked it!


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