Memory Lost Ⅲ

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Listen to: Losing Your Memory by Ryan Star

" What is going on? What's happening? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know who you are. What's happening to me? "

Stiles has lost his memory for days ago. Now, he's having a panic attack which he doesn't know he gets. It's night time and Scott and the rest of the pack are outside fighting something (whatever the villain of Season 6 is). That's why Stiles is freaking out. He doesn't know what's happening. Scott told Lydia to take care of Stiles and hide him somewhere. For some reason, the thing they were fighting wanted to take Stiles.

Lydia was looking for a place to hide. Honestly, Lydia wanted to help the pack out there but she needed to keep Stiles safe. Lydia and Stiles are wandering around the school. Stiles kept arguing and refusing to go with Lydia. When Stiles was yelling things at Lydia, they were in the middle of the high school halls. It broke Lydia's heart for her to see Stiles like this. He was yelling things at her and completely unaware of what was happening and who she was. Lydia was quiet. She didn't wanna argue with him. This was Stiles. He was one of his best friends ever. Or maybe, this boy, Stiles Stilinski, just might be something more than just a friend to her. Back in the halls, that's when Stiles started having a panic attack.

Stiles fell on his knees and started fisting his knuckles at the pain he was feeling. Lydia kneeled in front of Stiles and tried to look at him but he was freaking out so much.

" You're having a panic attack. "
" A what? "
" Just breathe! Try to calm down and focus your breathing. "
" I can't! " Stiles raised his voice which made Lydia jolt a bit.

" I can't. I don't- I can't breathe. I can't- " Stiles gripped the cloth of his shirt on his chest and started punching it. He was in so much pain and Lydia could see it.

That's when Lydia had a flashback to their first kiss. Back when she kissed him because of his panic attack. But Lydia shook the thought of that and focused on what was happening now.

Stiles was struggling on breathing and Lydia needed to do the first thing that came in mind.

Lydia held Stiles' face so he could look at her. " Hey, hey, hey, hey, look at me, Stiles. Shh, shh. Look at me. "
Stiles looked at her and was still struggling to breathe. He couldn't focus on anything but he tried to by looking at Lydia and by listening to her voice.

Lydia lowered her voice. " Shh, Stiles. " she said softly. That's when Lydia collided their lips together. Stiles was shock at first until some things popped out of his mind. They were memories.

Stiles saw his 8-year-old self staring at a beautiful strawberry blonde across the classroom. It was Lydia Martin until his teacher hit him with a testpaper. He saw himself talking to a boy which seemed to be his best friend. Scott McCall. He saw Lydia ignoring him through the years but he seemed to still not give up. He saw then go to the formal together. He saw Lydia supporting him during his first lacrosse game. He saw her give him a proud look. Stiles saw Lydia save him from an explosion. He saw her kiss him during his panic attack. Stiles saw them solve cases together. He saw them being partners in crime. Stiles saw Lydia having faith in him and him saving her from a bear trap. He saw them hold onto each other in the snow. He saw Lydia bleeding on the floor and him looking like he was paralyzed. Stiles saw Lydia in his arms when they were hiding from the dread doctors in Eichen. He saw a catatonic Lydia lying on the hospital bed and another catatonic Lydia staring at the ceiling of Eichen house and him telling her to come back. He saw the pack and him getting Lydia out of Eichen. Stiles saw himself running to Lydia and them getting out of Eichen together. He saw himself pulling Lydia back from the dead and them awkwardly sitting next to each other. He saw Lydia hurt and unconscious and him holding her hand. Later on, he saw them walk the halls of Beacon Hills High together.

Stiles Stilinski opened his eyes and saw Lydia Martin before him after she once again saved his life. He remembered.

" Lydia? "
" Yeah. "

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