«35» A New Stilinski

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A Christmas Special! ❤

Listen to: Cold by Novo Amor

Stiles turned the key repeatedly in a rush.

" Come on, come on! Start, you piece of crap! "

" Stiles, I think that'll only make it worse. "

He kept going and pressed his foot on the running step. Finally, it started. " Oh, thank God! " he quickly drove off.

" Hang on, honey, okay? I'm going as fast as I can. " Stiles comforted her.

Lydia was leaning her back against the cushion of the front seat. She was trying to grip anything her hand could find. She inhaled and exhaled sharply. Her hand found his arm and gripped on it hardly.

" O-ow, okay not so hard on hanging on. " Stiles grunted in pain.

Lydia kept breathing.

Stiles knew Lydia was hurting from all the contraction she was feeling. She grunted and made soft noises of pain a few times. Stiles was there to witness all of it. He reached over and held her hand rubbing the back of it. He held it for her comfort.

" You're okay, Lydia. You're gonna do great. " Stiles encouraged.

When they got to the hospital, Lydia was quickly rushed to the delivery room. Scott was there for Stiles had contacted him and the others. Scott helped transferring Lydia on the wheelchair. Then, Stiles was the only one from then to go into the living room. Scott, Allison, Malia, Liam and the others stayed in the waiting room anxious about the condition of their best friend who was about to have a baby!

In the delivery room, Melissa was there and Liam's father as they helped Lydia who was pushing and grunting multiple times. Her strawberry blonde hair almost wet from her sweat. Stiles was by her side comforting and bearing her up. Stiles had been dizzy since they were in the car. He was close to fainting right now. His eyelids would often almost drop and Lydia would shout his name to make sure he doesn't faint during the birth of their first kid.

" Lydia, baby, honey, you're doing great. Breathe. " he breathed with her. " Breathe. " he kept breathing with her. He was pretty much getting weak at the moment. Weak enough to almost faint or worse, get a panic attack.

Lydia could see the look on his face.

" Don't you dare pass out. " Lydia commanded her husband.

After a more pushes and noises from Lydia. She kept making this noises and small screams and squeals of pain that it hurt everyone's ears in the room. Stiles didn't mind the screams. He just kept holding his wife's hand.

" Okay, Lydia. Honey, I need you to give us one last big push, okay? You can do it, sweetheart. " Melissa encouraged Lydia.

Lydia nodded and closed her eyes shut tightly. At the same time, clutching Stiles' hand hard. Lydia whimpered and screamed. Everyone in the room covered their ears except Stiles and Melissa. After the scream, Lydia's head fell tiredly on the pillow. Stiles' was tearing up from the pain of her clutch and his ears from her screams.

Stiles grunted softly and looked at Lydia. He gently caressed her face pushing her hair out the way slowly. " Lydia. You okay? "

Then, a cry flooded the room.

Stiles' heart skipped a bear hearing the cry. He slowly turned around seeing Melissa carefully wrapping the baby in a blue blanket. Melissa was stained in blood. She had just cleaned the baby up whilst Stiles was making sure his wife was okay after the childbirth. Melissa looked at the baby and smiled widely.

" It's a girl. "

Lydia smiled looking at her baby. Her eyes tearing up with happiness. " A girl. " she repeated holding Stiles' hand weakly.

Stiles stared at the baby wrapped in a blanket in Melissa's arms not believing his eyes.

Melissa then carefully handed the baby to Lydia. She took it carefully and it was the first time her baby laid in her arms. Lydia looked at the baby carefully tucking a piece of blanket off the baby's mouth enjoying the beauty of her child in her arms. The baby cried and cooed. Stiles stared at the picture. A tear fell from his eyes.

" Hi. " Lydia giggled softly. " Oh, Stiles. She's got your eyes. " Lydia looked at Stiles. She softly pulled Stiles with her so he could see his daughter.

Stiles looked and his eyes landed on their child for the first time. The baby was so beautiful. It was the most beautiful thing Stiles had ever laid eyes on. He studied the appearance of his daughter seeing they had identical eye colors and the profile looked a lot like Lydia's and his contours mixed. He gently held the baby's head and rubbed it. He carefully rubbed the baby's chin. The baby took one of his fingers in one of her tiny little hands.

The couple giggled lightly in happiness.

" She looks like you. " Stiles said.
" She looks like you. " Lydia said.

The two smiled at each other before Stiles kissed Lydia's forehead. " Thank you, Lydia. "

Aww. So proud of the edit attached to this! (*'▽`)ノノ it looks so good and real!


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