«23» Ain't No Strings

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Listen to: Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia


By the counter, there sat a guy wearing a black leather jacket with a plain white T-shirt underneath. His dark brown chocolate hair was perfectly gelled and pushed up. He wore these tight jeans and boots that made him look so pleasing based on his height. He had a chaser in his hand that was placed on the flat counter. His eyes were the same color as his hair, dark and dreamy. He had pale white skin and moles on some areas of his face. His eyes were glued on one thing and one thing only and that was the certain strawberry blonde standing by the corner.

On the corner, there leaned a young lady much shorter than the guy. She had long strawberry blonde curls. Her hair was down and placed in one side of her neck. She was wearing dark-colored high heels. A pair of black tiny shorts. A pale blue colored off shoulder top with some jewelries worn and enough make up for some shadow on her face. She had much paler skin than him. Her lips were so luscious and soft that it could make any guy beg for her to kiss every single portion of skin on their bodies. Her eyes were as green as an emerald stone. They were glued on one thing and one thing only and that was the certain 5'8 male sitting on the counter from a small amount of distance.

This was Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin. They were both in a bar that had about enough population for the kids to come over and get wasted.

Stiles had been staring at Lydia the whole time. It took Lydia a while to notice. She bit her lip and smirked at the stranger twirling a strand of her hair around her index finger. Immediately realizing the guy was hot, she immediately thought that two could definitely play this game. One hand holding a glass of beer, she sipped on it a few times still not taking her eyes off him.

Stiles finally decided to approach her. Leaving the counter and his drink, he went.

" Hey. " Stiles greeted with a smug look on his face.
" Hi. " Lydia replied biting on her lower lip.
" You're Lydia, right? "
Hey eyes softened. " How'd you know my name? "
" I'm pretty sure we have a class together. Social Science? Or history? " Stiles asked.
Then, it hit Lydia. That's why he seemed somewhat familiar to her.
" Social science. We used to have a group work together. What are you doing here? " she asked.
A smirk then grew on his face. " You tell me. "
Lydia got his message and raised an eyebrow seductively at him.
" I'm guessing you aren't done with the group work. " she said.
Stiles gave her a swift nod.
" Say, why don't you come over at my place? We'll get it over with. "

The next thing both of them knew, they were both stumbling down into her room. Their lips attached to one another. Their tongues twirled around each. They slammed the door behind. Stiles quickly turned them around and pinned her back on the door. Lydia let out a grunt in pleasure and cupped his face making out with his mouth again. Stiles replied a sigh of pleasure and raised her thighs to his waists giving her a message. She immediately wrapped her legs around him. His hands moved to her ass and pushed it to himself. Lydia couldn't help anymore but moan as she felt his length and hardness against her soaking wetness. He squeezed her ass before he carried her quickly to the bed and dropped her there. She gasped at the feeling of emptiness looking up at him licking her lips. She could see her lipstick smudged on his face and his once properly gelled hair now messed up from her hands tugging and pulling on it.

Stiles smirked knowing she was begging for more. He could hear the liquid between her legs soaking when he pushed it against his erection. The thought of it made him want her more. Stiles took the hem of her shorts and pulled them down before pushing her heels off. He then kicked his shoes and socks off before he began to crawl towards her. Lydia bit her lip smirking and watching him knowing he was teasing. He hovered over her before she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards her. Their lips were pressed together again. The kiss was so full of energy and want.

Lydia ripped Stiles' shirt off.

She threw it across the room then her hands struggled to unbuckle his pants. Stiles' lips were invading her neck. He trailed multiple kisses on her ear, throat, chin and jaw. Often, he would suck on her skin and nibble. The feeling of it was so delicious for her that her head deepened against the pillow and tugged on the sheets tightly. He smirked against her skin knowing he was making her feel so damn good.

When they got his pants off, her shirt and bra followed leaving her only in her panties. He watched her so bare and perfect in front of him. Lydia was panting in front of him. She wanted him so much. Right now. He licked his lips smirking.

" Stiles, please... "

Lydia begged before she sat up and kissed his lips hungrily. Her hands tugged on his hair before her hand unexpectedly went down his crotch and grabbed him right there. Surprised, he couldn't help but moan.

After that pretty surprising occurrence, Stiles had no choice anymore. He couldn't wait. He immediately took both their underwear off and took a piece of condom opening it skillfully and slipping it on his erection.

Then, he was in. They were doing it. He thrusted himself inside her multiple times. Before she could even feel him fully inside, he was making her feel so good already. Lydia moaned and moaned and Stiles grunted and grunted. In pleasure. Both loudly and repeatedly. They would often roll on the bed moving on different positions and different motions. They've never felt this much pleasure until IT happened between them.

So amazingly and beautifully, they both found their release.

Author's note:

Ew. I'm weird. THIS SUCKS.

I haven't written smut in a while. So, yeah.

I admit. This was pretty much just a chapter for you guys to acknowledge my presence. But I still don't think I'll ever update THAT fast.

And this was also a quicky.

BTW, sorry about the title. Nothing else came up!

Yes. I'm alive and I may have survived the first episode of our last season but I'm still recovering from every millisecond ever on every scene.

Now, I'm gonna watch episode two. HELP. ME.


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