«7» My Mess

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Inspired by: Instagram// credits to: @/stydiaaaf on Instagram

Stiles is lying down on his chest on his bed. He had just gone to a lacrosse game and got beaten up because he scored almost all the time in the game. They won, of course, but some people just don't accept their lost. So, right after the game, three members from the other team kidnapped him out of there to some private place beating the heck our of him. It lasted for a while but he was lucky they didn't wound him or kill him. After all, Stiles was the son of the sheriff. They'd already be dead if they did something too physical.

The sheriff was worried sick while he was gone. It was only for two hours but it still killed him to know his son went missing. Stiles got home with his face with a bruise and the other half of his body weak. Stiles didn't mind. He simy accepted it. Even when the sheriff asked him who did it, he lied saying that he didn't see their faces.

Yes. That's how angelic our beloved Stiles Stilinski is.

There were three knocks on his door.
" Dad, I said I'm fine. " Stiles called.
Another row of three knocks. Stiles sighed and stood up walking to his door. " Dad, how many times do I have to- " Stiles murmured before he opened the door.

Stiles' heart skip a bit as he stared in awe at the strawberry blonde 17-year-old in front of him. It was Lydia Martin, the girl he's had a crush on since the third grade. He couldn't believe his eyes. Lydia, right in front of him. He repeated this over and over in his head in a matter of 3 seconds.

Lydia looked up at him. " Hi. " she said.
" Hi. " he replied back.
" Your father let me in. " she said.
" He did? Yeah, of course he did. " Stiles scoffed.
Lydia looked at him. She noticed the bruise on his face. " What happened to your... "
" No, it's okay. It's nothing. Don't worry about it. "

Lydia gazed down for a bit. She honestly didn't know what to say to Stiles. She should even ask herself what she was doing here. Something just brought her here.

" So, what are you doing here? " Stiles asked snapping her out of her trance.
" Um, I just wanted to tell you something. This just have been going through my mind all day. " she giggled softly and awkwardly. Stilea just gave her a look to proceed.

" Stiles, I, I, um. You-. " She stuttered not knowing where to start.
" It's okay. Keep your time. I'm all ears. " he said.

" Stiles, ever since we were in third grade, I just kinda knew that you had a crush on me. I knew. I listened to all of our classmates mocking you. And I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry too that I ignored you. I did it because I thought you wouldn't want to be with a girl like me. Because, Stiles, I'm a wreck. " Lydia swallowed.

" Back in the school dance, I asked you to come with me cause I knew you'd say yes. And that night, honestly, I felt free. Like I could be myself, you know, and that was the time I was with you. " she glanced at Stiles who she caught was looking really nervous and staring at her with wide eyes.

" I was currently broken up with Jackson. And you were there for me when he wasn't. Everything you told me that night was true. I never knew someone who knew me more than I knew myself. And that was you, Stiles. " she looked at him. " You're that someone who knew, who listened and remembered. "

Stiles gulped. He was speechless.

" I guess what I'm trying to say is that. You're a mess, Stiles Stilinski. " Lydia said to him.

Stiles looked down and played with his hands.

" But you're my mess. " She continued.

Stiles looked at her alerted.

" And I love you. " She finished.

In that very moment, everything froze. Stiles' heart stopped. He didn't believe what he was hearing or seeing. He just couldn't believe himself or what was happening. Is this a dream? He thought. He could be dreaming. But no, he wasn't. This was real.

Lydia Martin, the love of his life, his first love, the girl he loved since he was like seven or so, the girl he had a crush on since the third grade, the girl he loved then, still and ever, Lydia Martin. She literally just declared her love for him.

Stiles didn't know what to react. He's loosing his mind right now. He's going crazy but only for Lydia Martin. This was the happiest day of his life.

Stiles gave Lydia a smile. " Do you wanna come in? " he asked her. He forgot he still didn't invite her in his room until now. He could face palm himself now. Lydia made a cheeky smile before entering his room. Stiles watched her. When she wasn't looking, he cursed himself and face palmed in an inaudible way.

He closed the door before turning to Lydia who has her back faced to him.

" Well? Are you gonna say something? " she asked him.

" I love you too. " he said.

Lydia turned to him. Her eyes were wet from tears both because of sadness and happiness. Happiness, because she finally let it out. Sadness, because she's afraid he might not love her back. But Lydia knew. He did. And now, he says those three words to her.

" I loved you then. I always have. For who you were. I love you still. I still do. For who you are. I will love you. I always will. For who you're yet to be. I love you, Lydia Martin. " Stiles said. He was shocked at his own words. They escaped out of his mouth like poetry which is not to be controlled.

Lydia smiled brightly at him.

They both opened each other's arms and embraced forming a hug.


So goddamn beautiful:')
Who else can't wait for 5x15?!XD

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