Note Ⅳ

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All my author's notes are important so please spare time to read them.

Now, hear me out. I have lots of short story and one shot ideas. I just don't know how to start them yet. That's one reason why I'm starting to get slow on updating. Another reason is that I get distracted by Instagram and roleplaying and downloading screenshots for my Au's on wattpad. That's right. I don't just write au's. I make edits of them and post them on my Instagram page: @/tostydia. Another reason is that my brain is pretty much flooded with too much theories and excitement for the new season of Teen Wolf. I mean, come on. Season 6 is probably gonna be full of stydia. I've honestly never been more excited in my life so it doesn't get me to do anything except wait and wait for more updates about it. And another reason, I have plenty of books to read and I'm still having doubts if I should start watching The 100 cause I just started shipping Bellarke recently:'D but I'm not sure yet because I'm always too pumped up for Teen Wolf. The last reason is that it's summer and I honestly don't want to spend my summer always keeping up with you guys. I still have to go out often like to the beach or the mall and maybe watch a few movies and have movie marathons but I will still try my best to keep writing since you all are getting me more inspiration based on the number of reads:D

That's all for now.

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