Note Ⅱ

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Oh. I'm sorry.
That was a little rude:'D
I just needed you guys to read this. It's really important.

I just wanted you guys to know that I'm not that busy anymore and I mostly don't have anything to do except the internet and to socialize because, from where I live, school's over!:DDD

It's pretty much summer over here and I'm literally the first from my siblings who's earliest:)

So, yeah. Summer is 2 ¹/₂ months for me. I have lots of plans. 4 of my TEEN WOLF buddies are also coming over to have a Teen Wolf marathon till midnight:'DDD

I have lots of plans:) including to watch all of the seasons of Teen Wolf in STRAIGHT 7 days. I will only get out of my room when I eat, take a bath and do the chores and then the rest of my hours of those 7 days will be used for a Teen Wolf marathon.

I decided to do this EVERY summer. Since I started watching Teen Wolf on summer 2015. But it only lasted 5 days because season 5 wasn't out yet.

ANYWAY, this note means that I'm gonna update more than usual. 2 ¹/₂ months is a pretty big time for me to write for this book. I'll have enough time for it! I'll pretty much visit the internet a lot. So, STAY TUNED FOR MORE !:)


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