«16» Fuck You Stiles

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Listen to: Feel real by Deptford Goth (Caution! This is the song when stalia fucked-_- but besides that, it's a good song;))

A faint cry from across the bedroom starts awakening a certain strawberry blonde, Lydia Martin Stilinski. She hums tiredly with her eyes still closed and shifting to search for her husband's sleeping body. She found her hand softly pulling Stiles Stilinski's mouth since it was open. He was snoring and drooling a little. He snorted as Lydia did so. His head immediately got up and he woke up but his eyes were still closed.

" Honey, please get it for me. " Lydia groaned tiredly.
"Don't touch my Reece's biscuit!" He said from his dream and finally opened his eyes and looked around before hearing his daughter's cry. He yawned. " I'll get it, honey. " he lazily patted Lydia's shoulder before getting off the bed almost in slow motion.

It was 2am in the morning. Stiles was only wearing a plain grey T-shirt and blue loose boxers that seem like shorts. His hair was fucked up and a mess. His eyelids were still dropping and he was scratching his neck as he got to the baby's room just across theirs.

" Shh, shh, shh, sweetheart. It's okay. Daddy's here. "

The baby was crying loudly inside the crib and kicking the air. Stiles approached the baby and gently caressed the baby's head before kissing it.

" I'm gonna be back. Daddy's gonna make you some warm milk. " Stiles smiled weakly and his eyes were so close to closing. He got down the stairs after accidentally hitting his head on the wall of the baby's room.

Stiles came back after a few minutes with a bottle of hot milk. Stiles carefully carried the crying baby in his arms before he softly gets it on the baby's mouth. The little strawberry blonde baby girl does so and starts to suck the rubber substance. But the baby stops and cries way more louder than before making Stiles get off his drowsiness.

From across the room, after hearing the loud cry, Lydia immediately got up and ran to the baby's room finding her husband carrying their crying baby girl.

" Stiles, what did you do? " Lydia approached them and took the bottle from him.
" I-I don't know. I just gave her the milk and she started crying loud. " Stiles started to panic a bit not knowing what he did to his daughter.
Lydia squirted a bit of liquid from the bottle and winced.
" Ow! Stiles, this milk is burning hot! What the hell? You shouldn't have left the stove on for a long time. " she put a the bottle down on the cabinet.
" I-I'm sorr- " Stiles stuttered.
" Just hand me Allison. " Lydia gestured by opening her arms for the baby.

Stiles carefully placed his crying daughter in his wife's arm and watched.

" Shh, shh. It's okay, baby. Mommy's here. I'm here. Shh. " Lydia then turned around slowly and moved her sleeve down to get ready to breastfeed her daughter.

" Lydia, I'm so s- " Stiles started.

" Please just get out of the room. I need to breastfeed her for a sec. " she stopped him. She got her sleeve down her boob.

" What can I do to help? I can h- "

" Stiles, just go. " she cut him off once again.

" Honey... "

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