Memory Lost Ⅴ

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My LAST Memory Lost chapter.

Listen to: Lifeblood by Stefano Ruggeri

" Stiles, what happened?" Lydia panted running towards Stiles.

Stiles ran towards Lydia and panted. " They've taken him. They've taken Alex. "

They were both in the woods.

Lydia looked at Stiles and suddenly she started to feel something. Her gaze moved down slowly. Her lips parted as she stares at the ground. Stiles looked at Lydia noticing she was acting different.

" Lydia? "

Lydia lost half of her consciousness and lost her balance.

" Are you-LYDIA! " Stiles caught Lydia in his arms who opened her eyes wide and breathed. She stood straight as her breathing hitched. She had felt something.

" Are you okay? " he asked as he looked at Lydia for any sign of distress. He slowly let Lydia go and caressed her cheeks softly with both hands. Lydia was still staring at nothing and breathing deeply.

" Hey. " Stiles called Lydia's attention. Finally, her eyes moved and looked into his.

" What is it? What did you feel? " he asked letting her go.

" I feel like... " Her voice drifted away as her gaze moved away.

Stiles looked at her waiting for her to continue.

" Like something bad is gonna happen. Like something terrible is about to happen. " she said.

Stiles looked at her as the lightning flashed and thunder followed. He looked up at the sky and that's when he started to horses neighing and sounds of audible clinging. His gaze moved down to a certain figure. He squinted his eyes as his vision cleared. It was a man on a horse. He was wearing this sort of old-fashioned clothes and a cowboy hat. He sees the Wild Hunt. And he knew one thing about that.

" I'm next. " he said.


Lydia followed Stiles back to school. It was night time so it was pretty dark except the only lights were the lamp posts. Stiles was in a hurry. They were both right outside the school in the parking lot near his jeep.

" Stiles, what the hell is going on? " she groaned in displeasure.

" Just go find Scott and the others. I gotta go find my dad. " Stiles said hurriedly as he approached his jeep which was still fifteen feet away.

" Stiles. Stiles, stop! "

He stopped and turned around looking at her.

" You're not going anywhere. We need to stay with each other. With the pack. I just... " she sighed. " I just have this feeling. " she looked at him.

Stiles kept looking at her and standing in front her.

" Something terrible is about to happen. It's something worse than death. " she said.

" Oblivion. " Stiles said.

Lydia looked at him.

" Being forgotten. " he finished.

Lydia kept looking at him. He started to turn around.

" Stiles! "

He looked at her again.

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