«21» Birthday Present

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Inspired by my 15th Birthday! Because I just recently turned 15 last Monday, September 5th:)

Listen to: Surrender by Natalie Taylor

It was Stiles Stilinski's 18th birthday. Unfortunately, it was a Monday so he had to go to school and drown in all their greetings and gifts. When Stiles got in school, everyone who knew him started greeting him and he couldn't count all the times he said thank-you on that day. But there was this one thought that clouded Stiles' mind. He seemed to have noticed that Lydia wasn't present on that day, on his 18th birthday.

When it was time to dismiss their class, Stiles got his last greeting from Scott which was the hundredth time he heard from him. At least, he thought that was his last greeting.

Stiles unlocked his jeep and opened it. When he was just gonna get in, his phoned vibrated. Stiles took his phone out and looked at the message. It was from Lydia.

Meet me behind the bleachers ASAP

The next thing Stiles knew, he was running towards the location of the lacrosse field. When he got there, the sun was already setting and no one was around the field. He panted and looked around looking for his strawberry blonde haired crush. His eyes finally landed on her, Lydia Martin. She was sitting behind the bleachers with her arms wrapped around herself patiently waiting for him. It took Stiles a while to get out of his trance since her beauty always got him dumbfounded. He furrowed his brows in confusion before running towards her. She seemed to show no sign of trouble or hurt. That was what Stiles thought since Lydia's message seemed like a very serious one, like she was in trouble.

Stiles softly held her face to look for any sign of injury or something.

" Are you okay? " he asked looking into her eyes before continuing for any sign of affliction.
Lydia looked at him and giggled softly. " Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? "

" I got your message. I thought you were in trouble. " he softly let go of her before sitting next to her.
Lydia stared out of the open then very slowly shook her head. " No. " she said. " That's not why I brought you here. "

Lydia now got Stiles' full attention.
" So, why'd you bring me here in the first place? "
Lydia glanced at him and breathed nervously. " I, uh, wanted to give you your birthday present. "
" Alright, then. Where is it? " he asked.

Lydia's gaze slowly went down on his lips before she moved closer to him.
" It's, uh, it's this. "

Then, in one swift movement, she pressed her lips to his closing the distance between them. She created a kiss. She was now kissing him. Stiles closed his eyes and raised both his eyebrows in surprise. Lydia slowly placed both her hands behind his neck pulling him close and kissing him more. Stiles placed one hand on her cheek softly rubbing the smooth skin on it while the other on her waist. The kiss was slow, passionate and deep. Then, very slowly, Lydia stopped and pulled back only to see Stiles giving her this puzzled but dumbfounded look. His lips were poufy and red from the kiss. Lydia smiled at him.

" Happy Birthday, Stiles. "

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