Chapter One: It's Time For A Change

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I watched the taxi drive away until it was only a dot on the horizon. I just felt numb, everything Kameryn and I had worked for had completely gone down the drain and I knew my next move would just about destroy everything, but hey, she was only my friend. Now being Jenson Woods has been no bed of roses. Everyone thinks everything goes my way but that just proves how little they know. I glanced back at the mansion and rolled my eyes. Her happiness means everything to me and I saw the sadness in her eyes. To know it was caused by my cocky and arrogant cousin ticked me off to know end. I quickly made my way into my home and went up the stairs, taking two at a time. I thrust open his door to see him throwing a football into the air as he laid on his bed. He didn't even look at me as he stared at the blue ceiling, the ball mindlessly falling into each hand and repeating the process over and over.

"Ryder!" I called, banging my fist against the open door. He continued to stare at the ceiling and toss the ball up. I walked over to him and noticed the earplugs in his ears. I rolled my eyes once more and yanked them out before hitting the blasted brown ball. He fell to the ground and Ryder sat up.

"What the hell, Jenson?" He yelled.

"What the hell? You just sat up here being a stuck up cocky shithead, and didn't say goodbye to the best thing that walked into this place!" I shouted, slapping him upside the head.

"Will you stop!" he groaned, his hand flying to the back of his head.

"Get your ass up and go after her," I told him, pulling him off the bed and shoving him out the door.

"Why should I?" he growled, "She made this decision without my consent, why does she need me to say goodbye and 'have fun'?"

"Oh I don't know...Because you're her friend!"

"Friend zones really suck," he rolled his eyes and glared at me.

"Tell me about it," I mumbled, more to myself then anything. I glared back at him and smirked, "And without your consent? I didn't know you two were married, buddy."

"Oh please," he muttered, rolling his eyes. That's when I realized that we were in the living room and the rest of my brothers and cousins had made their way inside to find out what the commotion was about.

"Go after her, Ryder," I told him, passing him the keys.

"Jenson.." I heard Kameryn gasp. Ryder rolled his eyes and threw the keys back to me, "She's not my girl."

I sighed and handed him the keys, "She is your girl..."

"What? But Jens-" Kameryn started but I cut him off, "I'm only her friend, Kameryn." He shook his head and looked away. Ryder took the keys and sighed, "I won't get there in time anyway..."

"The only thing that will help you is the element of surprise," I told him, "So Benji'll take you and you surprise her. Here..." I handed him the jewelry box I had found in Aria's room. He looked at it confused before taking it in his hands.

"I found it in her room. She must've left it behind on accident. Your mom said that's the only thing she had when she first came. Bring it to her."

"You sure?" he asked.

"It'll work," I promised. He gave me a one armed hug before running out the house. I watched him get into Benji's car and zoom off.

" do realize that you just fucked up everything we worked for, right?" Kameryn came to my side and looked at me disbelieving.

"Yeah I know...But Ryder usually ends up messing something up, and if he truly loves her and she feels the same way then I just want her to be happy."

Kameryn sighed and I patted his back, "Plus she's about to get the surprise of a lifetime in a month." He looked at me confused and I smirked.

"Spill it," he told me.

"Alright, come with me." We went to the kitchen and I told him everything. I do want her to be happy, but I wasn't gonna give up just yet. Because the Woods boys always win, even if this time it's not my cousin. It's time for a change.

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