Chapter Twenty: Deja Vu?

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Jenson's POV:

No, No, No. The word kept running through my mind as I tried to think positively. Ryder and Aria? Married? No, it can't be. But why else wou-

"Jens'?" My head snapped up to meet Kameryn's sea green eyes. He raised a brow at me but I shrugged it off. Luckily for him, he let the subject go.

"Home, Sweet, Hoooome," Tyler sang, chucking his gym bag around. Kameryn rolled his eyes at Tyler and smirked, "At least something in this place is sweet."

"I can name a shit load of stuff that is sweet in here," he wiggled his eyebrows and gave a sideways glance at Aria.

"You're disgusting," Tyson spat, thwacking Tyler upside the head.

"Ouch," he muttered, glaring at his twin, while rubbing the back of his head.

"Awww, Ty got a little boo boo," Jayden cooed. Tyler punched Jayden's shoulder and they continued their bickering. I got up from my seat, and pushed open the car door. We had just arrived home and they couldn't even wait to get inside before they started arguing. Great family, right?

"Mah milkshake brings all the-"

"Don't even start, Kameryn!" Aria warned, covering her ears and walking at a fast pace toward the front door. Kameryn burst out laughing, clapping his hands like a idiotic seal. Ryder pushed Kameryn out of the way and followed Aria inside. I sighed and leaned against the car. Kameryn looked over at me, his lips tugging down into a frown.

"You okay?"

"Just peachy."

"I thought only girls said that. Is their something you wanted to tell me, Jenson?" Kameryn smirked, his eyes brightening in the sunlight, "Not holding in your feminine side, anymore?"

"Oh shut up," I chuckled, tossing my bag at him. He caught it and laughed, "It's okay, Jenson, I won't judge you."

"You won't have time to judge, because you'd be buried six feet under!"

"So you're not denying that you-"

"I'm straight!"

Kameryn just shook his head and proceeded walking, putting my bag in front of him and acting as if he was pregnant.

"Oh look at me, I'm Jenson, and I'm becoming a girl. Ooh wee, a cramp! Somebody call 911," he said in a high pitched voice. I narrowed my eyes at my little brother. Tyler jumped out of no where--Scaring the hell out of me--and bolted out, "SOMEBODY CALL 911, FIRE BURNING ON THE DANCE FLOOR!"

"Woooahhh," Kameryn joined in, causing me to chuckle.

"Aw Tyler, you don't sound that bad anymore," I smirked, looking at him. He glared at me, "I was never bad, I was always good. I just improved on-"

"About everything," I cut in.

"Why do I even bother," he mumbled, walking off.

"Because you give us entertainment!" Kameryn yelled after him.

"I'll show you entertainment," Tyler smirked, before throwing open the front door and waltzing out of sight. Kameryn turned to me, suddenly getting serious.

"I made a promise to myself awhile back, Jens'. I told you one of those promises. There was two in total. I'm gonna fulfill them just wait. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Some things are never what they seem. You assume to much, just sit back and watch fate take it's toll. I want the old you back, and just a moment ago, I saw that old Jenson. So just take my advice and-BOOM-we have you back, and maybe, just maybe, you'll have the girl of your dreams. If not, don't get sad, just move on. Plenty of fish in the sea and she probably isn't the one. If you love someone set them free, if they come back then it's obviously meant to be." With that, he turned and went inside the house.

When did he become more wise than me? Oh yeah, because he's like a fucking old man trapped in a little kids' body...I smirked at that thought, letting a little chuckle slip from my lips before walking in after him. He's right, and I plan on doing just that.


My hands skimmed over the piano keys. Been years since I've touched this. Music has been getting old to me, making it seem as if it's not about what comes from within, it's just about money and fame. I want my music back. The music that makes me happy, the music that I play just for fun. I would just sit here in my room and close my eyes, letting my hands do their magic--Sounds wrong, I know--And my voice would break out into the tune. It came from within, no pre-planning, or any of that shit. Not being thrust a music sheet and having to practice day in and day out. It came from inside of me, it came from a burning passion.

My hands suddenly began to play the music, the soft sound of the piano echoed across the room.

"Tell me that we belong together, dress it out with the trapping of love, I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips..." I heard a faint sound but ignored it, just continued with the music.

"I'll be...You're crying shoulder, I'll be love suicide. I'll be better when I'm older. I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

I've made mistakes since I've been gone and I do blame myself for what happened to this family. If I hadn't sent Aria away to stay with me in England, everything would've been okay. I see why they're pissed at me, I do. Ryder does deserve Aria more than me...

"And I've dropped out, and burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead, I've tuned in, turned on, remembered the things that you said."

Maybe I should stop fighting the current, and let it do what it wants, like Kameryn said. Maybe-

Clapping came from a far corner, and I instantly jumped, my eyes snapping open. I noticed a familiar blonde in front of me, smiling.

"What the fuck, Aria!" I groaned, putting my head in my hands. She seriously scared the shit out of me--Well, I didn't actually go-

"You're really good!" Deja Vu? Is it just me? I looked into her blue eyes, allowing myself to smile.

"I think we've been over this, New Jersey."

"No, really. Lately-well back in England-You're's been quite off...But that...That's how it used to be, back here. It's happy and enlightening. Amazing..." she grinned. I smiled and scooted over so she'd have room to sit next to me on the bench. She did so, and looked for my music.



"Where's your music?"

"I don't have music," I told her. She looked over at me confused. I gave her a lopsided grin and gently took her hand, placing it over my heart. I heard her gasp slightly for some unknown reason. Maybe it's because I'm buff. Ha...Maybe...Maybe not. Awkward..

"It comes from here, New Jersey, always."

"M-Mind singing a duet with me?" She stuttered. I raised a brow slightly, before chuckling and nodding.

"Why not? Like old times," I winked.


Author's Note: There really isn't an excuse for how long it took me to update this book besides school! I am so sorry! Thanks to everyone who is still sticking by my side throughout the Woods' Adventure. I appreciate it! Love you guys, you're my inspiration(: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will-AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME!- try to update WAY more often! Oh and check out my other book The Players' Game. Thank you! Comment and Vote, please. ^Unedited^

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