Chapter Eighteen: Hey, So, I Just Got Married To My Old Frenemy?

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Jenson's POV

I waited for Tyler to continue, shocked at what he had said. Many thoughts raced through my mind, I was so confused right now it wasn't even funny. "I...Grass had asked me to take him to the skating rink with me, so I said sure. I was showing off, the usual stuff I do, it's just me. I was using Grass also to get some girls attention, and...I dropped him. His head...That sickening sound is still implanted in my memory. It won't ever leave and I just don't know how to get it to. If he hadn't woken up, I don't know what I would have done. His head had smacked against the ice, it was so loud that everyone stopped what they're doing. His head cracked open, and the ambulance came and carried my little brother away. He got a concussion, and above his eyebrow his skin was sewn back leaving a scar. He remembered everything, just not...Aria, I suppose. One day, after he had come back home, he saw Fox playing with his stuff. He just went crazy, he use to love that kid. Now, he hates him to death. We don't know what to do, therapy doesn't help. It's just...all my fault." By now, my mouth was hanging open. I probably looked stupid, and good thing it's night so no flies would be popping in for a little rest. Yuck. Everyone had said Tyler and Ryder were just alike, I see why now. They both caused their little brothers trouble. No offense to them. I saw Tyler bury his head in his hands, hearing the faint sobs. I hesitated before pulling my cousin to me.

"It's going to be all right, bud, don't worry. Just like Trey, everything will work out," I soothed. My words seemed to calm him, and I just hoped that they would come true and put everyone to rest. Now, I just have to figure out what's up with everyone else...


Ryder's POV

I woke up to a piercing headache. What the fuck happened last night? I groaned and turned to my other side, only to get a mouthful of blonde hair. The hell? Did I find some blonde bimbo-

The girl mumbled a few words in here sleep before shifting, her blonde hair moving from her face. Shit! That is no bimbo. Not even close. I slept with Aria....Aria freaking Wolff. What had I been drinking? Aria's eyes snapped open when I screamed at the silver ring on my finger. She sat up, bringing the blankets around her and let out a ear-bursting scream. I. Married. Aria. Those three words made me want to go get a pistol and shoot myself in the head. Hell! I'd be doing myself a favor, Aria's sure going to kill me. The guys are certainly going to, especially Jenson and Rumor. Rumor...Shit! How am I suppose to explain this to my girlfriend? I could just see the conversation now:

"Uh hey, so, I just got married to my old frenemy? Yeah, had sex with her too while being drunk, but hey, we can still date" Yeah, that's not going to go well. With either of them...Before I could process another thought, a hand came smacking across my left cheek. I deserve that but being the asshole that I was, I yelled, "What the hell, bitch?!"

"What the hell?" she screamed back, "We're married and...and...oh my God!"

"Stop screaming," I groaned, plugging my ears. She started beating her fists on my chest.

"You fucking asshole! Why'd you-What the hell!" she screamed. Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day!


Author's Note: Yes, I know it's short, but my time is limited. I'll try to make a longer one, I can't make any promises, just be happy I uploaded please! Love you guys, thanks for reading. I hope you did enjoy this chapter! Please vote/Comment/Share. Everything counts! I will be putting up my new book "The Players Game" and I do not have a cover made yet because for some reason it won't let me. So I might not have a cover on it for awhile, but if you enjoy it, maybe you could make me one? I'll put more about that, in that book. Thank you once again. Have a good day! (:

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